

ATI 2024 Events

9th African Tax Symposium 

Tax professionals and industry leaders making a difference to Africa’s economic landscape!

The African Tax Institute (ATI) is proud to be an official supporter of IBFD’s 9th edition of the Africa Tax Symposium (ATS) in Nairobi, Kenya on 29-31 May. Established in 2015, the ATS has become Africa’s unparalleled dynamic symposium that elevates an understanding of the African tax landscape and brings together global industry leaders to discuss the latest issues impacting the continent. This year’s topics such as:

·         Transfer Pricing in Africa: Recent Developments – Cases, Legislation and Policy;

·         Issues in VAT on Cross-Border Digital Trade: Overcoming Practical Hurdles in Africa;

·         Trade and Investment in Africa: Opportunities, Obstacles and Practical Perspectives, and much more!

Register today and be part of the conversation that’s shaping the future of taxation in Africa!


On 29-30 April 2024 the African Tax Institte (ATI), the University of Pretoria and the tax community held a two-day symposium in honour of Professor Riël Franzsen upon his retirement from the ATI. The symposium was arranged as a hybrid session, combining in-person and on-line presentations of papers that will culminate in a liber amicorum (book of friends).

Currently, Professor Franzsen occupies the South African Research Chair in Tax Policy and Governance. He has served as a policy advisor for various international entities (including the IMF and World Bank) in more than 30 countries in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Europe and the Middle East. He specialises in land and property taxation. He has authored and co-authored many peer-reviewed papers and book chapters.

For the recorded online scientific sessions, please click the links below:

30th April 2024 Second Session

Participants at Prof Riël Franzsen Symposium Scientific Programme


Riël Symposium Gala Dinner

Prof Annet Oguttu, Director ATI, Welcome Address at the Riel Franzsen Symposium

Prof Annet Oguttu, Director ATI, Speech at the Riel Symposium Gala Dinner

Prof Zolt_Bahl_McCluskey_ Speech

Prof Riël Franzsen Keynote Address


ATI-WU 2024 Summer School

On 2-3 May 2024 the African Tax Institute (ATI) in collaboration with Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU) and Tax Justice Network held the 2024 Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) Summer School. The theme of the 2024 CSOs Summer School was Emerging Issues on The International Tax Agenda: The Changing Environment Within Which Tax Justice Is Operating. Several delegates from African countries' tax administration authorities and non-profit organisations (NGOs) as well as academic staff attended the 2024 Summer School.

The Summer School covered several topics, including:

  • International Tax Reform — the changing environment within which tax justice is operating
  • Trade-related illicit financial flows: minimising the risks and maximising benefits of the AfCFTA
  • Rethinking taxation of high net-worth individuals
  • The opportunities and risks of new technology in the tax area

For more information on the Summer School Project, please email the ATI at: [email protected]




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