Terms of Reference

Terms of Reference

1. At the request of WHO, to assist Member States as appropriate, with building capacity in social determinants of health and health in all policies.  
2. Support WHO's efforts in expanding evidence base through implementation of research on reducing health inequalities by application of inter-sectoral action to address social determinants of health  
Types of activity
1. Coordination of activities carried out by several institutions (e.g. other WHO collaborating centres) 
2. Training and education 
3. Providing technical advice to WHO 
Expected output 
Improved country policies, capacities and inter-sectoral actions for addressing the social determinants of health and reducing health inequities through “health-in-all-policies”, governance and universal health coverage approaches in the proposed sustainable development goals
A social determinants of health approach to improving health and reducing health inequities integrated in national, regional and global health programmes and strategies, as well as in WHO

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