We’re all ears

Posted on November 21, 2020

The road to better hearing can be a difficult journey. By being involved in one's own hearing healthcare it makes it easier for hearing care professionals to better understand the client's perspective and assist in meeting the client’s personal needs. This will allow the hearing healthcare professional to provide a more Person Centred Care (PCC) approach.

The Department of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology is a member of the Person-Centered Hearing Network (PCHN) established by the Ida Institute. Being a part of this network, we are involved in collaborative projects to encourage PCC in hearing care around the world. The Ida Institute has recently developed a We're all Ears campaign in collaboration with the PCHN. This campaign aims to encourage individuals with hearing loss to play a more active role in their own hearing healthcare.

We’re All Ears breaks down the elements of PCC in short statements and calls-to-action to capture the essence of PCC as seen from the perspective of the client: Be seen. Be heard. Tell your story. Be open. Take part. Be clear.

To learn more about this campaign and what clients can do to help the hearing healthcare provider to better manage a hearing loss please, click here

Compiled by Faheema Mahomed-Asmail and Talita Le Roux, Department of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, University of Pretoria. 

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