MIT ICT Information Science (code 12254016)

Do you want to be part of the next generation of Information specialists, including librarians, across the globe to thrive in the 4IR?
Then empower yourself by studying the online MIT ICT Information Science degree at the Department of Information Science.
Please read this webpage and follow the Application procedures mentioned below.



Booklet 2023/2024

MIT ICT Information Science flyer

Timetable 2025

Lecturers 2025

The MIT ICT Information Science degree empowers the next generation of information specialists, including librarians and allied professionals, across the globe to thrive in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). This degree is offered as a fully online programme with no contact sessions. Classes are presented live using Blackboard Collaborate and are recorded. Although live online class attendance is recommended it is not compulsory and students can listen to the recorded sessions in their own time.


Purpose of the programme
  • To build capacity to empower the next generation of library and information and allied professionals with knowledge and skills to apply modern information communication and technology (ICT), in order to support a diversity of user groups including academics, researchers, students and professionals in a variety of contexts.
  • The programme is intended for middle management level library and information and allied professionals involved in managing ICT or working in ICT-intensive environments in libraries and information-intensive industries and faculty members at the library and information science schools as well as those preparing for these work contexts. It is intended for people who are keen on getting involved with cutting-edge research and trends.
Selection of candidates for this self-funded, full-time academic programme will be highly competitive and will consider professionals, especially in the library and information science and allied professions across the world. Applications are not limited to country or institution. Selection is based on previous education and applicants must meet the basic requirements for admission as stated below, but this does not guarantee admission, only admissibility.
Basic admission requirements

The competitive selection process will be based, inter alia, on the following criteria:

  • Current qualifications – a three-year first degree in Library and Information Science (or other relevant field) and a second degree (65% average pass) in Library and Information Science (or other relevant field) (the so-called Honours degree in South Africa) / a Master’s in Library and Information Science degree or equivalent degree from a reputable University SAQA accredited (
  • Past academic performance;
  • Proficiency in English;
  • Internet access (this is essential as all classes are presented online).
Application procedures
  • Visit UP’s website for online application instructions
  • After reading all the instructions carefully, apply online.
  • Select Programme: MIT ICT Information Science (Coursework) (code 12254016)
  • Remember to submit all supporting documents.
  • Registration fee can either be paid by credit card during the online application OR the proof of the bank deposit at Standard Bank, Account Number 012602604 can be uploaded during the online application.
  • After your application has been processed you will receive communication from the University of Pretoria, explaining how to access your Student Centre through the UPStudent Portal, enabling you to track your progress and status, as well as other communications and possible outstanding items.
  • After the application procedure, applicants must ALSO submit the proof of registration payment to Mr Kenneth Nkanyana ([email protected]) at the Administration of the Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment & Information Technology.
UP Student Contract outstanding?
  • There are FOUR contract drop-off boxes available with security at the University Road, Roper Road, Prospect Street and Lunnon Road entrances of the Hatfield campus.
  • Students can also post or courier the contracts to UP.
The postal address is:
University of Pretoria
Private Bag X20

The physical address is:
University of Pretoria
Hatfield Campus
University Road
  • For more information on how to Complete your UP Student Contract, click here.
  • Approximately R26,000.00 per year, i.e. R44,000.00 over two years for students from South Africa and SADC;
  • For students not from South Africa or SADC the fee is doubled;
  • Non-SA students have to pay an additional R3,000.00 as foreign students;
  • If you were to take a third year to complete the degree, you will have to pay a further R26,000.00 (SA and SADC) or R44,000.00 (non-SADC) per additional year.

Please confirm the University’s website for the correct fees as the above reflects the fees of this past year and not 2024.

Fees for 2025 will only be made available on the University website by December.

Contact details
Ms Melanie Voller
Programme co-ordinator
Prof Marlene Holmner
MIT ICT Information Science

This full-time self-funded online programme consists of coursework as well as a mini-dissertation which is based on applied research. Each of the components carries 50% of the credits. All the modules are compulsory.

The schedule of the program is as follows:

First year of study

Module title and description



Research data management

15 credits

MIT 885

Year Module

February to November

The module is structured around the following six themes:

  • Introduction to RDM / Gaining context for RDM – both long tail and big data are considered.
  • Acts, policies, procedures and guidelines: establishing RDM at your institution.
  • RDM lifecycle – curator responsibilities.
  • RDM lifecycle – researcher responsibilities.
  • Tools to clean and visualise research data.
  • Platforms used to make research data accessible.

Institutional repositories and virtual work environments

15 credits

MIT 886

Year Module

February to November

The module is structured around the following six themes:

  • The open revolution – the movement behind open research, open access, open data, and open innovation.
  • Digitisation as a method to develop open content collections.
  • Institutional repositories.
  • Virtual environments for work, learning and research.
  • Embeddedness – being relevant in virtual work environments.
  • Long term preservation of electronic content.

The Knowledge Society and international librarianship in the fourth industrial revolution

10 credits

MIT 887

First Semester

February to June

The module is structured under the following four themes:

  • Globalisation, the knowledge society, and the 4th industrial revolution.
  • Comparative and International librarianship.
  • Freedom of Access to Information and Freedom of Expression (FAIFE) in Africa.
  • Sustainable development, equity of information access, and the role of LIS professional associations.

Information ethics

10 credits

MIT 889

Second Semester

July to November

This module considers the information ethical implications arising from the information lifecycle. Encompassing both practical considerations and moral evaluation, the modules are structured around the following four themes:

  • Introduction to information ethics (IE) and foundations.
  • Situating context in privacy, accuracy, intellectual property, access and security.
  • Social justice and social responsibility.
  • Application to the work environment.

Data, information and knowledge management

15 credits

MIT 890

Year Module

February to November

MIT 890 aims to introduce students to the fundamental concepts of data, information and knowledge and the relationships between them. These relationships are difficult to define, particularly in the current and ever-changing knowledge society. The goal of this module is to provide perspective and understanding of these three concepts, particularly in terms of the management thereof. The module will cover aspects such as data management (DM), information management (IM) and knowledge management (KM); the role of technology in IM and KM; the issues underlying the design and use of KM systems, including KM strategies and governance; the effect of organisational culture on KM strategies; the importance of big data and KM in organisations; and development of skills to facilitate insight into the benefits and value a formal KM programme could have for an organisation.

Facilitating information retrieval and information use

15 credits

MIT 891

Year Module

February to November


MIT 891 intends to enable you as managers and leaders in library, information and allied services and faculty to explore, plan, and manage opportunities to facilitate information retrieval (IR) and to ensure optimal access to electronic information resources and the usage of information in specific contexts and with support of the latest information communication technology (ICT) (or at least noting the latest ICT if you do not have access to these at the time of study). You should understand how IT can be exploited to facilitate IR and information use to give students, academics, researchers, management, professionals in various contexts and other people in a variety of workplaces and communities the best competitive advantage to use information and to improve quality of life. It is also intended that you should have the knowledge and skills to apply modern ICT in order to support professional tasks and research in Africa and other developing countries in a spectrum of information related contexts.

IT Research

10 credits

MIT 892

First Semester

February to June

Basic research methodology. By the end of the module the candidate should be able to complete an acceptable research proposal for a M-level, mini-dissertation.

Second year of study


90 credits

MIT 880

Year Project


Individual supervisors will be assigned to the students.

Duration of course

The course duration is a minimum of two years.

  • There is no face-to-face, physical class attendance.
  • The programme will be offered as a blended distance learning online education programme in English.
  • Although this is regarded a full-time programme, all lectures are recorded and students will not be penalised if they cannot attend the live Blackboard Collaborate sessions, and decide to listen to the recordings on their own time.
  • To be successful this programme requires full commitment and very careful planning.
This degree totals 180 credits which is equal to 1 800 hours spent towards completion, thus 900 hours per year.
First year:        Core modules (50% of Degree)          90 credits
Second year:   Mini-dissertation (50% of Degree)     90 credits
Conferment of degree

The MIT ICT Information Science degree is conferred on a student who successfully completes 180 Credits.

Pass requirements

A minimum final mark of 50% has to be obtained in the mini-dissertation as well as in each of the modules of the prescribed coursework. For examination entrance, a minimum of 40% is required. The Dean may on the recommendation of the admissions committee, cancel the studies of a student who fails more than one module. A module may only be repeated once.

Degree with distinction

The degree is conferred with distinction on students who have a weighted average final mark of at least 75% for the coursework as well as 75% for the mini-dissertation.


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