#YouthInHumanities: UP Environmental Psychology & Urban Planning MA Students Embark on German Exchange Program

Posted on June 26, 2024

As June comes to a close, the University of Pretoria's Department of Psychology proudly announces that six of its brightest environmental psychology students have embarked on the prestigious DAAD Germany exchange program. This opportunity highlights their academic excellence and cultural aspirations while fostering interdisciplinary and cross-cultural learning between German and South African students. For the German participants, the exchange provides crucial insights into postcolonial debates and the realities of the Global South, enriching their educational experience.

The visit began at the Technical University of Berlin, where the students engaged in joint activities from June 17 to June 23, 2024. These activities included a social program and ethnographic city walks focused on green infrastructure, promoting knowledge exchange and networking. Following this, they continued their study visit at Leuphana University in Lüneburg, participating in various lectures and collaborative sessions with Leuphana University master’s students. This exchange not only enhances the University of Pretoria’s academic stature but also strengthens its international partnerships in education and research.


In the spirit of Youth Month, we celebrate our outstanding young students: Caitlin Mathey, Kutloana Mkhwanazi, Primrose Tshinavha, Michelle Reid, Priscilla Baloyi, and Abdurrahman Vahed. Led by Professor Claire Wagner, a psychology professor at the University of Pretoria, they broadened their horizons and deepened their understanding of psychology in an international context. This cohort also included nine master’s students from Urban Planning at the University of Pretoria’s Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment, accompanied by Professor Jacques du Toit, a lecturer in Town and Regional Planning. The selection of these students underscores their dedication to learning and highlights the University’s global reputation.


The Faculty of Humanities joins in this celebration, eagerly anticipating the students' return on June 26, 2024, enriched with newfound knowledge and experiences. Their journey exemplifies the spirit of curiosity and academic rigor that defines UP's commitment to excellence.

As we commemorate Youth Month, let us empower and support our youth in their endeavors by nurturing their dreams and aspirations for a better world!

- Author Mbuso Vuma

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