Capacity development for MultiChoice staff

The collaboration agreement between the partners also entailed academics from the University of Pretoria’s Department of Computer Science and its Computer Engineering programme in the Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering providing capacity development in machine learning to members of MultiChoice.


The Computer Engineering programme can present a short course for MultiChoice staff members. The two-day course covered the following topics:

  • What is machine learning?
  • Scripting languages: R and Python
  • Jupyter notebook demonstrationIntroductory notebook
  • Examples of getting answers on Stackoverflow – tips on information needed, efficiency
  • Use case description
  • R preliminaries
  • Data handling/viewing
  • Creating a database for large files
  • Data exploration
  • Revisit MultiChoice dormancy data
  • Efficient data handling – how to handle seasonality
  • Feature engineering with examples
  • Univariate analysis
  • Correlation analysisDimensionality reduction
  • (PCA – t-SNE)
  • Classification
  • Partitioning the dataModel description
  • Random Forest
  • Model training
  • Model testing and validation


  • Artificial Intelligence: Myth or reality for the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
  • Automating machine learning.
  • Recent trends in Artificial Intelligence.
  • Machine learning in broadcasting and media: 

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