Publications related to the Mamelodi campus

Research papers, chapters and conference papers:

Research papers and chapters

  1. Ogude, N. A., Kilfoil, W. R., & Du Plessis, G. (2012). An institutional model for improving student retention and success at the University of Pretoria. The International Journal of the First Year in Higher Education, 3(1), pp.21-34
  1. Ogude, N.A., Meyer, I.J., Mwambakana, J. and Mthethwa, N.E., (2019). Can extended curriculum programmes be improved through engagement with students using appreciative inquiry? South African Journal of Higher Education, 33(4), pp.219-236.
  1. Ogude, N. A., Mathabathe, K. C., Mthethwa, N., & White, R. (2020). Mamelodi Pre-University Academy: Aligning Campus Strategic Goals to Achieve a University’s Anchor Institution Strategy Mandate. Metropolitan Universities31(2), 33-52.
  2. Rollnick, M. & Lubben, F. (2020). Proceedings of the 2019 Colloquium on Extended Curriculum Programmes. University of Pretoria
  1. Ogude, N.A., Majozi, P.C., Mathabathe, K.C. and Mthethwa, N. (2021).  The management of student success in extended curriculum programmes: a case study of the University of Pretoria’s Mamelodi campus, South Africa. South African Journal of Higher Education, 4 (35), pp. 237-252.
  1. Ogude, N.A., Combrick, C., Mathabathe, K.C. and Mthethewa, N.  (2022) Building strong educational pathways for early childhood development to tertiary education: a case study of Mamelodi township, In Eloff, I. Van Eeden, E., Dippenaar, H. (Eds). Community Engagement Research in South Africa: Histories, Methods, Theories and Practice. Van Schaik, Pretoria, pp. 221 -239.
  2. Muller, A.  (2022) Futures Forestalled … for Now: South African Science Fiction and Futurism, Current Writing: Text and Reception in Southern Africa, 34:1, 75-87, DOI: 10.1080/1013929X.2022.2035076
  3. Ogude, N. A., and M. Rollnick. 2022. “Ideological Positioning of Extended Curriculum Programmes – a Case Study of a Large South African Research University”. South African Journal of Higher Education 36 (2), 222-38.
Conference papers
  1. Ogude, N.A., Combrinck, C., Mathabathe, K.C. & Mthethwa, N. (2019). Building Strong Educational Pathways from Early Childhood Development to University (lightning session). Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities Conference, Philadelphia, USA.
  2. Ogude, N.A., Mathabathe, K.C. & Mthethwa, N. (2019). Mamelodi Pre-University Academy: Aligning Campus Strategic Goals to Achieve its Anchor Institution Strategy Mandate (Poster). Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities Conference, Philadelphia, USA.
  1. Majozi P.C., Ogude N.A. (22 – 25 June 2021). Referral System for Manging Student Success in Foundation Programs, 40th Annual Conference on the FIRST YEAR EXPERIENCE, The Siyaphumelela 2.0 Network Conference. (Virtual presentation).
  2. Majozi, P.C., and Ogude N.A. (17 - 19 August 2021). The adaptation of a data-driven student success model for ECPs, 2021 HELTASA NATIONAL EXTENDED CURRICULUM PROGRAMME (ECP) COLLOQUIUM. (Virtual presentation).
  3. Majozi, P.C., Ogude, N.A., Mzimba, T. and Malahlela, M. (22 – 25 June 2021). A data-lead approach for linking Basic and Higher Education: The development of the Community Engagement Tracking and Management System, The Siyaphumelela 2.0 Network Conference. (virtual presentation).
  4. Meyer, I.J., and Majozi, P.C. (17 - 19 August 2021). The Mamelodi Referral System: Improving student advising towards academic excellence, 2021 HELTASA NATIONAL EXTENDED CURRICULUM PROGRAMME (ECP) COLLOQUIUM, (virtual presentation).
  5. Meyer, I.J., and Majozi, P.C. (26, 27 August 2021). Enhancing Student Support and Success by Using the Mamelodi Referral System (M-RS), Flexible Futures Conference 2021, University of Pretoria, South Africa. (Virtual presentation).
  6. Meyer, I.J. and Majozi, P.C. (28 October 2021). Student support towards student wellbeing and success: collaboration with the data analytics team, Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities Learning and Sharing Virtual Series
  7. Mundy, C. (26, 27 August 2021).  Listen up! Podcasts as feedback mechanisms for online chemistry practical. Flexible Futures Conference 2021, University of Pretoria, South Africa. (Virtual presentation).
  8. Ogude, N.A. ( 22 – 25 June 2021). Re-imagining the link between Basic and High Education for student success. The Siyaphumelela 2.0 Network Conference. (Virtual presentation).
  9. Ogude, N.A. (7, 8 October 2021). The Mamelodi Collaborative and Anchor Institution Partnerships: UP and RU-N, nd Universities South Africa (USAf) Higher Education Conference. Pretoria, South Africa (Virtual presentation).
  10. Pillay, K., Singh, P. and Prinsloo, T. (2020). Teaching Pastel Online To A Large Group After Covid-19 Shut Down Universities Worldwide: Challenges Faced And Lessons Learnt From A South African University. Proceedings of the 2020 AIS SIGED International Conference on Information Systems Education and Research. 16, 1-13.
  11. Pillay, K and Singh, P. (15 - 17 October 2021). Teaching, assessing and promoting lifelong learning – a case of first-year university students, in a developing country during a Pandemic. The International Conference on Digital Science. Protaras, Cyprus. (Virtual presentation).
  12. Rollnick, M. Kind, V. and Toerien, R. (2021). Teachers’ long term learning about knowledge for teaching chemical bonding from a professional development intervention. Paper presented at the conference of the European Science Education Research Association, Virtual conference, Braha, Portugal.
  13. Singh, P. and Prinsloo, T. (2019).The Application of Teaching Interventions in a First-year Fundamental IT Course in Improving Throughput Using the PAC Framework: 2013 to 2018. Proceedings of the 48th Annual Conference of the Southern African Computer Lecturers’ Association. 91-107.
  14. Singh, P. Bheemraj, K. Harangee, J. Prinsloo, T. (15 - 17 October 2021). Using Merrill's First Principles of Instruction to reshape the assessments structure of a fundamental first-year course. The International Conference on Digital Science. Protaras, Cyprus. (Virtual presentation).
  15. Singh, P. Prinsloo, T. Machdel, M. (15 - 17 October 2021). From learning styles to multiple modalities in the teaching of computer and information literacy to first year students from diverse backgrounds. The International Conference on Digital Science, Protaras, Cyprus. (Virtual presentation).
  16. Vokwana, N., Mavhunga, E. & Rollnick, M. (2021). Enacted Topic Specific Pedagogical Content Knowledge:  a case of rural out of field Natural Sciences teachers in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa. Annual Meeting of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, Virtual conference organised by National University of Lesotho.
  17. Xaba, N. Nyamupangedengu, E. and Rollnick, M. (2021). An investigation of how biology lecturers in a South African teacher training program use language to engage pre-service teachers in the meaning making processes of their lessons, Annual Meeting of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, Virtual conference organised by National University of Lesotho.

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