Luminous Mentorship

Luminous offers an extensive mentorship program where we provide members with a semi or senior (Second or Third-year member) to guide members through the tough and trying times of University. Mentors pride themselves on always being available to help throughout academic or personal struggles.



  • Provide students with the assistance they need to successfully transition from high school to varsity, in the case of first years, or from first-year to second-year etc.
  • Help improve this by providing students with a physical and emotional support structure within Luminous and the Mentorship programme, with the intent of enhancing academic, emotional, and social growth and development


  • Provide academic support and help by allocating a mentor to a small group of mentees studying similar degrees within the same faculty
  • Improve mentor/mentee relationships by effectively communicating with mentees through both technological and personal encounters
  • Academic, emotional and social development occurs on external and internal relationships by hosting various mentorship workshops throughout the year
  • Inform and educate mentees on the various services that the university offers in order to help them throughout the course of their degree




- Author Juanita Haug

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