Through its activities, collaboration and postgraduate research programmes, the Research Chair aims to make contributions in the following areas:
- Assessment of the implications of banking and insurance capital adequacy regimes such as Basel 3 and Solvency 2;
- Extreme risk modelling – Reinsurance, Insurance Risk, Operational Risk, Credit Risk, Market Risk applications, e.g.
- Modelling of worst-case losses – applying earthquake modelling methods to financial problems
- Investigating maximum probable loss in the event of natural catastrophes
- Risk portfolio theory – investigating the dependencies between portfolio constituents in the context of large losses
- Low-probability, high-impact events
- Intelligent systems (multidisciplinary research with Electronic Engineering department)
- Financial modelling with Artificial Neural Networks (ANN’s) and machine learning methods
- Computationally intensive investigations, involving IBM Supercomputer
- Fraud detection
- Credit risk investigations
- Modelling innovation (overlapping with the above), in respect of:
- Economic Capital Modelling, using advanced statistical approaches, including:
- Mathematical development and refinement of existing models
- Regulatory and policy development
- Optimisation of internal models
- Harmonising of financial regulation in Africa, together with
- Calibration of regulatory capital requirements
- Investigating the implications of retirement reform in South Africa and Africa
- Big ideas, including
- “Black swans” (Taleb) vs “Dragon Kings” (Sornette)
- Unconventional approaches towards financial modelling such as applying quantum statistical formalism to financial problems
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