International entrepreneurship summer/winter school

Posted on August 02, 2022

Graduate School of Technology Management (GSTM) hosted during July a successful international entrepreneurship summer/winter school at Future Africa. Thirty five students from three Norwegian and two South African universities took part in the two week long school with theme: Youth entrepreneurship solving socio-economic problems.

The school empowered students through entrepreneurship by knowledge and action-based learning. The seven multi-cultural/disciplined student teams addressed topics such as water, education, health, energy, housing, etc. The winning team’s price included an opportunity to be mentored by TuksNovation, University of Pretoria’s technology incubator, to develop their idea further.

The school forms part of the Intpart Norwegian - South Africa collaboration which is a collaboration between University of Pretoria, Nord University, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, and Stellenbosch University.

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