UBUNTU Community Model in Nursing

About the research group: Most commonly, the term Ubuntu has come to mean "humanity." It is often translated as "I am because we are," or "humanity towards others," or in Xhosa, "umntu ngumntu ngabantu" or "the belief of a universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity.

“In the context of our research, Ubuntu is both capacity building and ability of individuals to navigate their way to sustaining the well-being of others.

Ubuntu community model of nursing research is a 5-year progressive and renewable research project awarded to Prof Mavis Mulaudzi as the South African Research Chair in Ubuntu Community Model of Nursing hosted by the University of Pretoria. The project is pioneering a multidisciplinary initiative to empower nurses and members of the community on the principles of Ubuntu sponsored by the National Research Foundation. The aim of the project is to improve universal access to health, health care and health outcomes of people in remote, rural and under-resourced communities by developing, piloting and implementing an Ubuntu-Innovation model, approach and principles for co-production and convergence of indigenous and biomedical knowledge.


Mission of Ubuntu Community Model in Nursing

The mission of the Ubuntu Community Model In Nursing is to inspire, advance, and strengthen our communities through teaching and learning of the Ubuntu philosophy as a method for healing.


Vision of Ubuntu Community Model in Nursing

Nursing in South Africa is largely based on western philosophies of care and ethics.   The Chair aims to work towards the inclusion of the African philosophy of Ubuntu as the foundation of care and ethics in the nursing profession combined with western epistemologies, which emphasize human rights and individual autonomy.  The Chair will lead inter-professional and trans-disciplinary research combining indigenous knowledge and modern technologies and skills from different scientific fields/domains to create novel practices and relations of health care and service based on the embodiment of the philosophy of Ubuntu. It is envisaged that at the end of five years, the people in rural and underdeveloped communities will have improved access to health care. This will be achieved through the development and implementation of the Ubuntu community model and co-production and convergence of indigenous and biomedical knowledge






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