
Our faculty includes recognized research leaders. These research leaders publish widely in areas related to monetary and fiscal policy, economic growth and development, international trade, health policy, financial markets and economic forecasting. Occasionally, we leverage that research expertise to undertake policy-specific research projects for various local and national governments, local and international businesses, as well as local, national and international institutions.
Seminar and research visitors to the Department of Economics have come from the London School of Economics, Oxford University, Cambridge University, the University of Manchester, Newcastle University, the University of Warwick, Cardiff University, Durham University, the University of Bristol, Paris School of Economics, University of Paris Pantheon-Sarbonne, the University of Milan, Universita Bocconi, Maastricht University, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, University of Cologne, Jena University, the University of Bonn, Goettingen University, the University of Bielefeld, the University of Copenhagen, the University of Macedonia, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Nihon University, the University of Ghana, the University of Chicago, the University of Michigan, the University of Washington, New York University, the University of Connecticut, West Virginia University, Australian National University, the University of Sydney, the Deutsche Bundesbank, the World Bank, the IMF, UNU-Wider, UNU-Merit, the European Commission, UBS, Bank of Canada, and the Bank of Lithuanian.
The Department also has a working paper series that is indexed in RePEc – Research Papers in Economics.
The Department of Economics hosts two ISI accredited economics journals. The South African Journal of Economics is edited by Prof Steven Koch, the head of the department, and has its editorial offices in the Department, as does the South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences, which is edited by Prof Waldo Krugell of Northwest University.
In addition to these activities the Department is deeply involved with Economic Research Southern Africa with Prof Nicola Viegi (Programme Director: Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics) acting in a management role.

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