
  • Young UP lecturer to serve on global accounting body

    Posted on August 23, 2024

    Mashile, an emerging researcher who has a background in accounting education, was selected from hundreds of applications to be an IFAC member.

  • Annual PGDAS Lunch: Inspiring Future Chartered Accountants

    Posted on July 22, 2024

    The Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting Sciences (PGDAS) is the final qualification needed to be eligible for the first Chartered Accountant board exam. This one-year program is challenging yet essential, preparing students for the professional world. To support our students during this demanding...

  • Academic achievers honoured at EMS Dean’s List ceremony

    Posted on June 27, 2024

    Forty alumni from the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences were honoured during the EMS Dean’s List ceremony. This annual event is hosted to celebrate the achievements of students who have maintained a high level of academic performance throughout their studies.

  • EMS staff rewarded for their excellence

    Posted on June 27, 2024

    On 20 June 2024, the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences (EMS) at the University of Pretoria hosted its annual EMS Staff Awards to honour staff members who demonstrated outstanding excellence in teaching and learning, research and media engagements during the 2023 academic year.

  • Innovative End to Critical Thinking Module for BUS 100 Students

    Posted on June 13, 2024

    Innovative End to Critical Thinking Module for BUS 100 Students

  • Collaborative innovations in accounting education

    Posted on June 03, 2024

    In a remarkable display of academic collaboration and innovation, the University of Johannesburg's Department of Accounting recently hosted Dr Corlia Joynt and Madelyn Cloete from the Department of Accounting at the University of Pretoria for an insightful session on hybrid and blended learning...

  • ‘The NRF rating offers confirmation of your standing as a researcher in SA’ – UP accounting prof on C1 rating

    Posted on May 31, 2024

    Being in the accounting space and teaching the next generation of professional accountants is what Professor Stephen Coetzee of the Department of Accounting at the University of Pretoria (UP) is passionate about. He was recently rated by the National Research Foundation (NRF) as a C1 researcher.

  • From adversity to achievement: Mtelele Mthimunye’s journey

    Posted on May 13, 2024

    In the journey of life, challenges often arise unexpectedly, testing our resilience and determination. It is during these moments of adversity that our true character is revealed. Some may succumb to the weight of these challenges, while others rise above them, defying the odds and emerging...

  • Colours and Conversations: Thuthuka beneficiaries get creative together

    Posted on April 29, 2024

    One thing that the UP-Thuthuka programme takes pride in is the sense of family they provide to their beneficiaries, and there's no better way for a family to get to know each other than by finding a fun and safe environment in which to bond. Creating a vibrant and engaging environment for...

  • High five to UP students for dominating top five in SAICA's 2024 ITC

    Posted on April 05, 2024

    The University of Pretoria (UP) has once again achieved a 100% pass rate in the January 2024 South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) Initial Test of Competence (ITC). UP candidates dominated the top five, placing four UP candidates in the top five of the ITC results nationally.

  • UP student support fund established in memory of EMS lecturer

    Posted on March 08, 2024

    In an attempt to continue late lecturer Lizette Kotze’s generosity towards students, the Department of Accounting has established the Lizette Kotze Support Fund. The fund will be used to address the needs of students as lecturers become aware of them, similar to what Kotze would have done.

  • Racing towards the stars: A closer look at the PGDAS amazing race

    Posted on February 22, 2024

    Our Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting Sciences (PGDAS) students had an electrifying start to their academic year as they participated in the PGDAS Amazing Race. Instead of traditional lectures or seminars for their orientation, students were immersed in a race against time, where each station...

  • First-year BCom Accounting Sciences students’ treasure hunt

    Posted on February 22, 2024

    On 15 February 2024, the BCom Accounting Sciences first-year students participated in an exciting treasure hunt. The primary objective of this adventure was to acquaint the students with various campus venues, making it easier for them to locate their lecture halls.

  • Gauteng hat trick for University of Pretoria as top matrics #ChooseUP

    Posted on January 29, 2024

    University of Pretoria Vice-Chancellor Prof Mosia has extended his heartfelt congratulations to each of the students who will be joining UP.

  • UP Accounting Sciences alumni quartet recognised for early career excellence

    Posted on November 23, 2023

    Four University of Pretoria Accounting Sciences alumni have been nominated for the annual South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) Top-35-under-35 awards.

  • UP hosts the SAICA Thuthuka Managers Meeting

    Posted on October 19, 2023

    The University of Pretoria recently had the honour of hosting the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants Thuthuka Managers Meeting for the very first time, which brought together SAICA – the funders of the Thuthuka bursary – and Thuthuka managers from institutions across...

  • Outstanding academics shine at EMS Awards

    Posted on October 04, 2023

    The Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences (EMS) recently hosted its annual EMS Awards to celebrate the excellence of outstanding academic staff. The awards, which were held at the EMS Research Hub on the Hatfield Campus, honoured the academic excellence of staff in three categories, namely...

  • AE-Bot: The future of accounting education at your fingertips

    Posted on September 28, 2023

    Prof Stephen Coetzee of UP's Department of Accounting has pioneered AE-Bot – a digital tutor powered by AI. This chat-based tool demystifies complex accounting concepts in real-time and provides tailored answers to diverse student queries.

  • PGDAS social amid quarter 3 storm

    Posted on September 26, 2023

    The Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting Sciences (PGDAS) is not, as many would think, only a year of debits and credits, but also an opportunity to network with like-minded people and have fun!

  • SAICA Board's chairperson visits UP

    Posted on September 05, 2023

    The CA programme at UP had the privilege of hosting the chairperson of the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) Board, Vincent Mohau Motholo, on Friday, 18 August 2023. Motholo, who is currently the chief financial officer (CFO) of the University of Cape Town, completed his...

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