Research / Academic Services

Microscopy, especially transmission electron microscopy, is a versatile research tool with numerous applications in virology, histology, pathology, animal reproduction, toxicology, vaccine development, immunology, and more. The EM Unit offers training, EM services, and support to students, academics, scientists, and researchers from the Veterinary Faculty, the broader University of Pretoria, other universities, and private research institutions.


Specific services include:

Aid in study design and project planning (related to EM sections)

Sample preparation for TEM

Sample preparation for SEM

Transmission electron microscopy

Light microscopy

Assistance with data processing

Assistance with data analysis

Training and supervision


*Please note that sample preparation for light microscopy is not provided at the EM Unit. For assistance with sample processing, wax embedding, and sectioning of samples, please contact the Diagnostic Pathology Reference Laboratory/Immunohistochemistry Laboratory in the Pathology Section of the Department of Paraclinical Sciences. They offer a range of services, including various general and special stains, immunofluorescent staining, and immunohistochemical labelling.

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