Diagnostic Services

At the EM Unit, we take pride in being the only operational EM facility on the continent exclusively dedicated to veterinary diagnostics and research. We recognize the crucial role that accurate and efficient diagnostics play in safeguarding the health and well-being of animals. Our commitment lies in delivering diagnostic services of the highest quality, accompanied by swift turnaround times. Our facility caters to the requirements of OVAH, governmental and private veterinary laboratories, as well as veterinary practices nationwide.


Negative stain viral identification

When it comes to viral diagnostics, electron microscopy shines as one of the simplest and fastest methods for localizing and identifying the presence of viral pathogens within a sample. We specialize in isolating and identifying various viral families from diverse sample types such as faeces, extracts, organs, biopsies, and warts.

Ultrastructural pathology

Electron microscopy is among the few techniques capable of identifying specific disease conditions by revealing ultrastructural pathology. We offer diagnostic ultrastructural pathology services for various disease conditions and tissue types.


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