Report on the Fuessel visit

Posted on October 26, 2010

Dr Muavia Gallie, a member of the department, facilitated the contact between the two schools.  All the communications took place through internet, where the students of Ivory Park had to complete a questionnaire online, while the principal completed her questionnaire electronically, and forwarded it through e-mail.

As a sign of appreciation, and the fact that Mrs Creutz and her husband decided to visit South African during October 2010, the German students decided to conduct a fund raising project in order to financially support Ivory Park Secondary school.  Prof Fuessel and his wife as well as Reinhild and Klaus Schickhaus, friends of theirs from Munich, also contributed. On 12 October Mrs Creutz, accompanied by Dr Gallie and Prof Beckmann (acting Head of Department) and her husband visited the school and handed over a cheque of more than R32 000 to the school.

On 13 October Prof Fuessel gave a well-attended public lecture on “The best interest of the child – what does that mean for teachers and schools in Germany?” in the Faculty of Education. Prof Fuessel is also attached to the German Institute for International Pedagogical Research and many colleagues discussed possible cooperation with him.

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