Donate a book and let's get South Africa reading!

Posted on November 30, 2021

The Library Technical Services (LTS) unit, along with the Community Outreach focus area, took hands with the National Reading Coalition (NRC) to run a campaign to collect books for needy communities.  The National Reading Coalition (NRC) was established by the National Education Collaboration Trust (NECT) and the Department of Basic Education (DBE) as a comprehensive national response to the reading challenges facing South Africa.

As part of the strategy to improve reading, this book collection project is part of a bigger movement whereby various organisations and institutions are approached to place book collection bins for people to donate reading books. When the box is full, members of the National Reading Coalition (NRC) take the books and donate them to rural schools with the aim of promoting reading in South Africa. There is also a need for non-fiction or academic books, which will be donated to rural libraries to add academic books on their shelves.

We are therefore inviting all UP students and staff who are interested in donating children’s books or academic books to drop these book donations in one of the boxes on campus. Book boxes can be found at the following locations:

  • In the foyer of the Merensky 2 library
  • At the University Road entrance
  • Between Artisan Café and the Rautenbach Hall
  • At Adlers
  • At the entrance of the Education library on the Groenkloof campus
- Author Marguerite Nel

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