Prof Noëleen Murray

Room 8-2 Humanities Building

University of Pretoria

Private Bag X20

Hatfield 0028

South Africa

email: [email protected]

cell:+27 (0)82 339 6770


PhD in African Studies, University of Cape Town 2010

Master of Architecture by Dissertation (Dist), University of Cape Town 2001

Bachelor of Architecture (Prof), University of Cape Town 1994

Bachelor of Architectural Studies, University of Cape Town 1991


Academic Profile

Noëleen Murray is a South African architect and academic. She holds the Research Chair in the Humanities at the University of Pretoria in South Africa. Previously, as the Director of the Wits City Institute at the University of the Witwatersrand, she held the Andrew W. Mellon Chair in Critical Architecture and Urbanism. Her key academic books include Desire Lines – Space, Memory and Identity in the Postapartheid City (2007); and Becoming UWC, Reflections, pathways and the unmaking of apartheid’s legacy (2012). Hostels, Homes Museum, memorializing migrant labour pasts in Lwandle South Africa, co-authored with Leslie Witz, appeared in 2014 and was awarded the Michael M. Ames Award for Innovative Museum Anthropology by the Council for Museum Anthropology of the American Association of Anthropologists. Among her other activities include 20 years serving on the Board of the Lwandle Migrant Labour Museum in Cape Town, and she is a Fellow of the Thesis Eleven Centre for Cultural Sociology at LaTrobe University, Melbourne, Australia.


Current Research Project(s)

The Research Chair drives an interdisciplinary research agenda across platforms at the University of Pretoria, across the continent and internationally. The Chair hosts research projects, research associates, postdoctoral fellows and visiting scholars and convenes a doctoral programme.


Course involvement

Course Convenor: GSO751 Development Theories, 2021

Postgraduate Supervision – for PhD candidates see student Biographies in Development Studies


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