Postgraduate students in animal breeding and genetics polish their skills

Posted on April 30, 2023

Our postgraduate students, Mari Alberts, Hannah Kruger and Kira Sieber, in Animal breeding and genetics recently attended a BLUP training course held by LOGIX.

BLUP stands for ''Best Linear Unbiased Prediction” (BLUP) and has been the standard selection method in animal breeding. Essentially, the breeding values of sires are estimated based on progeny performance to select superior genotypes and to breed superior families. This is important for Animal Science and livestock production as the world population grows, meat-diets become more popular and affordable, and the need for animal-protein increases.

Herman Labuschange writes: ''Logix is the acronymn for Livestock Operational and Genetic Information Exchange. It is a system allowing users access to data and information of animals recorded at Stud Book. The sucess of livestock production and animal breeding increases when breeders use appropriate information to make the right decisions for their production processes. Logix is a modern system allowing breeders and producers access to the latest breeding and production information of their herds, as recorded on the system.''

Training course like this one are crucial to the success of our postgraduate students as they expand their skills and apply nuanced practicality to their dissertations.


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