UP conference prepares school leaders for 2017

Posted on October 16, 2016

The University of Pretoria’s Recruitment Division in the Department of Enrolment and Student Administration held their first UP School Leaders Conference from Friday, 7 October to Sunday, 9 October 2016. The Conference was attended by 55 Grade 11 learners from various schools in Gauteng who have been chosen as head prefects, vice-head prefects and prefects for the 2017 school-year.

The main objective of the Conference was to prepare these newly elected leaders for challenges they may face. The programme comprised presentations and interactive sessions that were interesting, relevant and informative.

The learners received a warm welcome from UP staff and JuniorTukkie student helpers when they arrived at the venue and each one received a conference bag, information pack and a golf shirt as a gift from UP. Student helpers showed the learners to their rooms and ensured that all their needs were met. The Conference made it possible for leaders from the different schools to meet and even become friends.

On Friday evening, Mr Johan Kloppers discussed the logistics of the Conference. Mr Ferdie Heunis and his Roarrr team set the ball rolling with their ice-breaker session that challenged learners’ thinking and creativity while providing heaps of fun.

Joël Miruho, current head boy at Maragon Olympus College and junior deputy mayor of the Junior City Council of Pretoria, and Ms Chanté Groenewald, former head girl of Hoërskool Zwartkop and currently a final-year BCom (Accounting) student at UP, presented a session entitled ‘Believing in the unbelievable’. The session gave inspiration and advice from a former and a current school leader.

Saturday morning, 8 October, was started with a delicious breakfast after which Dr Pieter Clase gave delegates essential information about UP’s extensive range of outstanding academic programmes and guided them in how to make responsible study and career choices. Mr Petrus Lombard addressed the learners on the advantages of becoming a member of the JuniorTukkie Club. A virtual tour of the campus gave learners a glimpse of student life at Tuks.

Dr Wynoma Michaels captured delegates’ attention with her session, ‘I am different’.  She emphasised everyone’s personal uniqueness and said one should refrain from stereotyping others on the basis of differences.

In the session, ‘Finding your voice’, Mr Manie Bosman discussed several interesting topics related to value-driven leadership in a changing era. All the delegates were actively engaged in and motivated by this powerful, inspirational presentation.

Saturday evening’s Prestige Function was undoubtedly a highlight of the programme. It was attended by Prof Cheryl de la Rey, Vice-Chancellor and Principal of UP, Prof Carolina Koornhof, an Executive Director, Ms Cila Myburgh, Director of Enrolment and Student Administration and Ms Carlien Nell, Senior Market Researcher, in addition to all the presenters and delegates. Prof Koornhof welcomed and introduced Prof De la Rey to the audience. Prof De la Rey delivered an inspiring and interesting address on gathering positive issues about their future studies, navigating uncertainty and building resilience. Hans-Peter Fechter, Suné Stander and Martinus Breitenbach shared their musical talents while Erastus Heystek and Emma-Maryn Gouws entertained the guests with a humorous play.

On the last day of the Conference, Mr Wallace Isaacs led an open discussion on various topics, which gave learners the opportunity to air their views on current controversial issues. Their views will be compiled in a publication and distributed to all delegates.

Then parents joined their children for the last session, which was presented by Prof Kobus Maree and dealt with ‘Parent and learner mentor/mentee’. Parents got valuable hints to help them support their children in their leadership roles. Prof Maree emphasised the importance of making a positive difference in the lives of those around us.

Finally, everyone enjoyed a tasty finger lunch before returning home.

The feedback we received from delegates clearly shows that they thoroughly enjoyed the Conference. Here are a few: 

‘Everything at the Conference was superb. I really hope we aren’t the last group to get such an opportunity. You have planted a seed in our hearts and minds.’

‘This was a very good Camp. One of the best Leadership Camps I have been on. It should definitely continue in years to come.’

‘Accommodation was great, the food was great. We were treated well and welcomed very well. I just wished it could have been longer.’

‘Baie dankie vir die ongelooflike geleentheid.’

‘Ek het die naweek vreeslik baie geniet. Lekker en leersaam.’

‘It must be a week, not only three days.’

‘Joël Miruho was an excellent choice, since he is still fulfilling his role as head boy and gave practical advice.’

‘Dit was regtig 'n belewenis en ek voel dat elke liewe kind die geleentheid moet kry om die Konferensie by te woon.’

‘Wonderful experience, a lot learned, amazing food, very satisfied and no complaints.’    

The University of Pretoria is proud to be associated with these bright learners and we will continue, to the best of our abilities, to add value to potential future leaders.



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