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2022 UN Regional Course in International Law for Asia-Pacific
The United Nations Regional Courses in International Law are conducted under the United Nations Programme of Assistance in the Teaching, Study, Dissemination and Wider Appreciation of International Law. Applications for the 2022 Regional Course for Asia-Pacific will be accepted until 27 June.


PLURAL+ Youth Video Festival is a joint initiative of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) that invites the world’s youth to submit original and creative videos focusing on the themes of migration, diversity and social inclusion. By supporting the distribution of youth-produced media, PLURAL+ recognizes youth as powerful agents of positive social change in a world often characterized by intolerance and cultural and religious divisions.

Find more information here.



The Champions of the Earth award is the United Nation’s highest environmental honour. It recognizes outstanding leaders from government, civil society and the private sector whose actions have a transformative impact on the environment. In 2022, nominations for Champions of the Earth are especially encouraged of individuals and organisations who have helped prevent, halt, and reverse the degradation of ecosystems worldwide. 

If you know of a leader who has made a positive, transformative impact on the environment, nominate them for the Champions of the Earth Award, the highest environmental honour bestowed at the UN.



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