Fly@UP Assist Senior Undergraduate Awards




Qualifying GPA

Award amount (2024)

Grade Point Average (GPA)
 for previous year of study at UP


R5 000


R10 000


Qualifying GPA

Award amount (2025)

Grade Point Average (GPA)
 for previous year of study at UP


R5 000


R11 000


Conditions for the above awards:

  • Fly@UP Assist Senior Undergraduate awards are automatically awarded to registered senior undergraduate students who qualify for the award. These awards will be made to all qualifying students (South African citizens, permanent residents and citizens from countries other than South Africa).
  • Undergraduate contact students who were registered for an undergraduate academic programme in the previous year of study at UP will be considered for the award, provided that the following conditions are met:
    • The sum of credit values associated with the enrolled modules is greater than or equal to 100.
    • The sum of the credit values associated with the modules passed as a percentage of the total credit values as calculated above is at least 80 percent or higher.
    • The student was not a final-year student.
    • All modules are weighted according to their credit values.
    • All modules registered for in the previous year are considered.
  • Students who achieved a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 80% (figures are not rounded off) in the previous year will qualify for a Fly@UP Assist Senior Undergraduate award. Only modules for which a pass percentage can be obtained as prescribed in the yearbook will be considered in calculating the GPA.
  • Students registered during the previous year of study for the following programmes do not qualify for the Fly@UP Assist Senior Undergraduate award:
    • UP academic study programmes presented by external institutions,
    • postgraduate academic study programmes,
    • special study programmes,
    • academic study programmes classified as distance education study programmes, and certificates and diplomas.
  • The following students do not qualify for the Fly@UP Assist Senior Undergraduate award:
    • senior undergraduate students who had an academic standing of Dismissed, Suspended or Discontinued, during the previous year of study; and
    • senior undergraduate students who migrated to UP from other educational institutions or were not enrolled at UP in the previous year.
  • Summer School and Winter School programmes with module results are included for purposes of these awards.
  • Students who completed a first undergraduate academic study programme and return for another undergraduate academic study programme, may be considered again for a Fly@UP Assist Senior Undergraduate award, provided that the student meets the requirements.
  • Students who are simultaneously registered for two or more undergraduate academic study programmes will only be considered for one Fly@UP Assist Senior Undergraduate award. In this case the academic study programme in which the student achieved the highest marks will be considered.
  • An achievement award for a senior undergraduate student will be awarded for (N-1) times in relation to the period of study for which the student is enrolled. “N” represents the minimum allowable period of study for completion of the academic study programme.
  • An achievement award for a senior undergraduate student can only be awarded automatically for a maximum of five times. Should a student qualify for more than five awards during the period of study, the UP Study Finance division will evaluate each award individually, subject to the availability of funding.
  • Undergraduate students who discontinue their studies for a year or longer, will during the consecutive year in which they return to continue their studies, not automatically qualify for the award. Students may provide a written motivation for consideration of an award, and hand this in at the Student Service Centre.
  • Achievement awards are fully repayable by the student to UP should award holders discontinue or terminate the study programme, for whatever reason, at any stage during the year in which the award was made.
  • Refund of credit balances on the student account resulting from these awards, is limited to 50% refund of the credit balance in the 1st semester and the balance in September.
  • The University of Pretoria retains the right to change the criteria based on the available funding.

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