Fly@UP Assist 1st Year Awards




Umalusi issued school-leaving certificates such as NSC, IEB and SACAI, irrespective of citizenship

Award A

Qualifying average percentage



Average percentage for the six (6) best subjects taken,
excluding Life Orientation


 R16 000

 R18 000


 R42 000

 R45 000

NOTE: Award B is only applicable if you achieved Award A.

Award B

Qualifying average percentage

2024 & 2025

Percentage obtained for Mathematics*


R2 000

Percentage obtained for Physical Sciences*


R2 000


Conditions for the above awards

  • Table 1 is primarily applicable to candidates applying at the University of Pretoria with Umalusi school leaving certificates (NSC, IEB and SACAI).
  • FLY@UP Assist First-Year Awards are based on the final school-year examination results as issued by Umalusi via the Department of Basic Education.
  • These awards are made automatically to first-time entering first-year registered undergraduate students who meet the award criteria. Students do not apply for these awards.
  • First-time entering first-year students who register for studies at UP directly after  Grade 12 (final school-year) or who took a gap year(s) after their final school-year, who meet the award criteria will be considered.
  • Students who have previously registered at a tertiary educational institution before registration at UP will not be considered for FLY@UP Assist First-Year awards. Students who registered at UP in previous years, are also not considered.
  • For candidates who present an NSC/IEB Certificate, actual percentages obtained for the six (6) best subjects taken, excluding Life Orientation, is used. Certain subjects are EXCLUDED in the calculation of average percentages:
    • Life Orientation
    • Mathematics Paper 3
    • Practical Music Grade 4 and 5 (Note: Practical Music Grades 6, 7 and 8 are considered for inclusion in the calculation of the average percentage—if your music report for this subject is not part of your NSC report, please submit your official music report to the Student Service Centre at [email protected], before commencement of classes.)
  • * Mathematical Literacy, Technical Mathematics, Technical Sciences and equivalent subjects are not eligible for this award.
  • * A candidate only qualifies for Award B if the candidate meets the criteria for Award A. Therefore, candidates who obtained 80% and above for Mathematics and/or Physical Sciences only, will not be eligible for the subject awards.
  • *Candidates with Advanced Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Alpha Mathematics and Additional Mathematics may be eligible for the subject award.
  • The calculation of the average percentage is based on the University of Pretoria’s formula, per examination authority and not on the number of distinctions achieved.
  • The average percentage is not rounded off.
  • Results obtained for papers that have been re-marked are not considered for award purposes.
  • This award will be cancelled for students who discontinue, are excluded or who terminate their studies for whatever reason during the year in which the award is made. No payouts of the award will be allowed.



School-leaving certificates not issued by Umalusi. A maximum of R30 000

per student can be awarded, irrespective of citizenship

Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE)

International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP)


2024 & 2025


2024 & 2025

 A-Level:  A*, A or B symbol

R5 000

IBDP: Higher Level 6 or 7 symbol

R5 000

  AS-Level: A symbol

R5 000

 IBDP: Standard Level 7 symbol

R5 000

Conditions for the above awards:

The University of Pretoria reserves the right to amend award values without prior notice.

  • The awards in Table 2 are made automatically to first-time entering first-year registered undergraduate students who meet the award criteria. Students do not apply for these awards.
  • R5 000 is awarded per symbol and only once per subject achieved, eg if you achieved an A*, an A or a B-symbol on A-Level in Mathematics as well as an A-symbol on AS-Level in Mathematics, you will only be awarded R5 000 for Mathematics.
  • First-time entering first-year students who register for studies at UP directly after Grade 12 (final school-year) or who took a gap year(s) after their final school-year, who meet the award criteria will be considered.
  • Students who have previously registered at a tertiary educational institution before registration at UP will not be considered for FLY@UP Assist First-Year awards. Students who registered at UP in previous years, are also not considered.
  • Results obtained for papers that have been re-marked are not considered for award purposes.
  • This award will be cancelled for students who discontinue, are excluded or who terminate their studies for whatever reason during the year in which the award is made. No payouts of the award will be allowed.
  • Any international school-leaving qualification that can be converted to the UP bursary formula, based on the UP conversion approved guidelines, may be eligible for an award of up to R30 000.
  • The University's decision is final.
  • These awards are subject to the availability of funds.


Other Fly@UP Awards





2024 & 2025


JuniorTukkie Grade 11 Empowerment Week Award

R16 000

The 40 learners with the best Grade 12 results (NSC or equivalent) who attended the JuniorTukkie Grade 11 Empowerment Week

Grade 12 Dux Scholar Award

R10 000

The top academic Grade 12 achiever of a specific school (one learner per school)

Vice-Chancellor’s Previously Disadvantaged Group Award

R15 700

Top prospective African and Coloured students with the highest average percentage will be considered.

Vice-Chancellor’s Distinguished Merit Award (VCDMA)

The award covers tuition fees for three years.


In the first year, a specific amount of R120 000 can be awarded.



This offer will be made to:

  1. The first-time entering first-year student who has achieved the highest overall average percentage in the final school-year results.
  2. The first-time entering first-year student from a Quintile 1, 2 and 3 school who has achieved the highest overall average percentage in the final school-year results.


Based on the decision of the University, additional awards may be offered.


The terms and conditions of the full offer will be contained in the candidate’s specific award letter.



Conditions for the above awards:

  • Specific terms, conditions and exclusions do apply for each award in Table 3.
  • These awards are made automatically to first-time entering first-year registered undergraduate students who meet the award criteria.
  • Students do not apply for these awards.
  • Qualifying students will be notified.



+27 (0)12 420 3111


[email protected]

Awards information

More informatio



  • For FLY@UP Assist Senior Undergraduate Awards 2025, click here








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