Peer-reviewed Journals

  1. FM Mulaudzi& RM Troskie Reproductive health rights of women in rural communities: Health/Gesondheid Vol 4 no 1 July 1999 41-46.  ISSN 1025-9848, impact factor ( 0,162)
  2. FM Mulaudzi Synergy between indigenous knowledge, modern health care and scientific research: a challenge in the 21st Century: Health/Gesondheid Vol 6 no 4 2001 14-20. ISSN 1025-9848, impact factor 0,162)
  3. FM Mulaudzi& ON Makhubela-Nkondo. Indigenous healers’ beliefs and practices concerning sexually transmitted diseases: Curationis. Vol 29 No 1. March 2006 (p46-53). ISSN 2223-6279. Impact factor (0.0702)
  4. FM Mulaudzi Indigenous beliefs and practices of the Vhavenda in sexually transmitted diseases. INDILINGA Vol 4 No 1 June 2006 323-337.ISSN 1683-0296 Impact factor
  5. FM Mulaudzi Indigenous health beliefs, attitudes and practices among Vhavenda: A challenge to the promotion of HIV/AIDS strategies 2007 Curationis 30 (3).31-38. ISSN 2223-6279. Impact factor (0.0702)
  6. FM Mulaudzi The cultural beliefs of the Vhavenda on the causes and transmission of sexually transmitted infections. 2007 Health South Africa/Gesondheid 12(3) 46-54. . ISSN 1025-9848, impact factor 0,162)
  7. FM Mulaudzi Comments on the XIV International HIV/AIDS conference: An “Ubuntu” perspective. 2007 Religion and Theology 14 (1-2) (2007) 105-115
  8. MP Mohale & FM Mulaudzi Experiences of nurses working in a rural primary health care setting in Mopani District, Limpopo Province: Curationis. 32(2) 2008. 60-66. ISSN 2223-6279. Impact factor (0.0702)
  9. Matsheta S & Mulaudzi FM. The perceptions of traditional healers of cervical cancer care at Ga-Mothapo village in Limpopo province African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge systems.  7(1) 2008.103-116.
  10. Mulaudzi, M. Libster, M. and Phiri, S. (2009). Suggestions for creating a welcoming nursing community: Ubuntu, Cultural Diplomacy, and Mentoring. International Journal of Human Caring, 13(2), 45-51.ISSN 1091-5710.
  11. Ngunyulu, R. & Mulaudzi FM. 2009.Indigenous practices regarding postnatal care at Sikhunyani Village in the Limpopo Province of South Africa. African Journal Of Nursing and Midwifery 11(1) 46-64
  12. Martha M. Libster; Fhumulani Mavis Mulaudzi; Sharon K. Collins; Ou Liang, MS; John Southworth, MS; Matthew Long, MA 2010. Tradition Meets Technology Building Caring Community Online. Advances in Nursing Science Vol. 33, No. 4, pp. 362–375. ISSN 0161- 9268 Impact factor (1.191).
  13. Ngomane, S, Mulaudzi, FM. 2010. Indigenous beliefs and practices that influence the delayed attendance of antenatal clinics by women in the Bohlabela district in Limpopo, South Africa. Midwifery, doi: 10.1016/j.midw.2010.11.002. ISSN 0266-6138. Impact factor 1.573
  14. Mack Phega Mangena; Fhumulani Mavis Mulaudzi; Mmapheko Doriccah Peu.  2011.  The experiences of nurses in caring for circumcised initiates admitted to hospital with complications. Contemporary Nurse (2011) 37(1):  69-81. ISSN 1037-6178. Impact factor  0,908.
  15. Antoinette du Preez, Fhumulani Mavis Mulaudzi, SwinkyKgoadikgoadi; Understanding the phenomenon of dikgaba and related health practices in pregnancy: a study among the Batswana in the rural North West Province in South Africa, Evidence-Based Midwifery: March 2012. ISSN 1479-4489
  16. Seroney, G.C., Minnie, K., Otieno-Ayayo, Z.N., Mulaudzi, F.M., and Nyangena, E. Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Trained Traditional Birth Attendants On HIV/AIDS, Kenya. Baraton Interdisciplinary Research Journal (2012) Vol 2(1), 8 – 16.ISSN 2079-4711
  17. M.F. Makhele & F.M. Mulaudzi (2012): The experiences of Batswana families regarding hospice care of AIDS patients in the Bophirima district, North West province, South Africa, SAHARA,-J: Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS: An Open Access Journal, 9:2, 104-112. ISSN 1729-0376. Impact factor 1.109
  18. Elizabeth McGibbon1,*, Fhumulani M Mulaudzi2, Paula Didham3, Sylvia Barton4 and Ann Sochan5.  Toward decolonizing nursing: the colonization of nursing and strategies for increasing the counter-narrative.  Nursing inquiry. Sep. 2014.Vol 21(3) p171-191. ISSN 1320-7881. Impact factor 1.439
  19. M. Chinouya, S.R. Rikhotso, R.N. Ngunyulu, M.D. Peu, M.L.S. Mataboge, F.M. Mulaudzi and P.M. Jiyane. Some mix it with other things to smoke’: Perceived use and misuse of ARV by street thugs in Tshwane District, African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Supplement 1: 1 (June), 2014, pp. 113-126. ISSN1117-4315. Impact factor 4.03
  20. R.N. Ngunyulu, F.M. Mulaudzi and M.D. Peu The experiences of postnatal patients regarding postnatal care in Mopani District, Limpopo Province, South Africa.  African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Supplement1:2 (June), 2014, pp. 284-296. ISSN1117-4315. Impact factor 4.03
  21. Mmapheko Doriccah Peu, Sanah Mataboge, Martha Chinouya, Priscilla Jiyane, Richard Rikhotso, Tsakani Ngwenya and Fhumulani Mavis Mulaudzi. Experiences and challenges of an interprofessional community of practice in HIV and AIDS in Tshwane district,, ISSN: 1356-1820 (print), 1469-9567 (electronic), J Interprof Care, Early Online: 1–6,! 2014 Informa UK Ltd. DOI: 10.3109/13561820.2014.917402 Impact factor : (1.515)
  22. Mataboge, MLS, Peu, M.D, Chinuoya, M; Rikhotso R, Ngunyulu, R.N, Mulaudzi, F.M, 2014, ‘Healthcare workers’ experiences of HIV testing in Tshwane, South Africa’, Curationis 37(1), ISSN 2223-6279. Impact factor (0.0702)
  23. Ngunyulu, RN; Mulaudzi, FM; and Peu, MD. The experiences of postnatal patients regarding postnatal care in Mopani District, Limpopo Province, South Africa.  African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Supplement 1:2 (June), 2014, pp.284-296. ISSN1117-4315. Impact factor 4.03
  24. Mulaudzi, F.M. & Peu, M.D., 2013, ‘Communal child-rearing: The role of nurses in school health’, Curationis 37(1), Art. #1158, 7 pages. curationis.v37i1.1158. ISSN 2223-6279. Impact factor (0.0702)
  25. Mauwane R. Phaladi-Digamela, Fhumulani M. Mulaudzi and Todd M. Maja, 2014.  Genetics knowledge of advanced midwifery learners:  Educators’ perceptions.  African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Supplement1:2 (October), 2014, pp300-311. ISSN1117-4315. Impact factor 4.03
  26. RN Ngunyulu, RS Mogale, FM Mulaudzi, MD Peu and MLS Mataboge, 2014.  Factors influencing utilisation of female condom among healthcare providers in Tshwane, South Africa.  African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Supplement1:2 (October), 2014, pp395-408. ISSN1117-4315. Impact factor 4.03
  27. TR Luhalima, FM Mulaudzi and DR Phetlhu, 2014.  Factors that motivate nurses to provide quality patient care in a rural hospital in Vhembe district, Limpopo Province, South Africa.  African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Supplement1:2 (October), 2014, pp473-484. ISSN1117-4315. Impact factor 4.03
  28. Comiskey C; Mathews A/ Williamson C; Bruce , J. Mulaudzi FM and Klopper H. Scaling up: An evaluation of a national nursing sciences PhD capacity building programme in the context of national healthcare insurance policies and the global shortage of nursing graduates from baccalaureates to PhDs. Nursing education today. Jan, 2015. Vol 35. (5) pp647-652. 15; ISSN 0260-6917. Impactor factor 1,364.
  29. RN Ngunyulu, FM Mulaudzi and MD Peu. Comparison between indigenous and western post-natal care practices. Curationis. V 28; 38(1):E1-9.doi: 10.4102/curationis.v38i1.1252Curationis. 2015. ISSN 2223-6279. Impact factor (0.0702)
  30. Netshiswinzhe M and Mulaudzi FM Perceptions of nurse educators regarding the implementation of the occupational-specific dispensation at a selected nursing college in Limpopo Province.  Health South Africa Gesondheid. June 2015.Vol 20(1)100-108. doi.10.1016. hsag.2015.04.003. ISSN 1025-9848, impact factor ( 0,162)
  31. MS Mataboge, RN Ngunyulu, S Mogale, FM Mulaudzi & MD Peu.  Culture and marriage:  The dual barriers to condom use among health care providers in Tshwane, South Africa.  African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD).  October 2015 (Supplement 1:2).  Pp291-305
  32. MD Peu, MLS Mataboge, RN Ngunyulu, S Mogale & FM Mulaudzi.  Female condom two (FC2) marketing strategies for health care workers in Tshwane district, South Africa.  African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD).  October 2015 (Supplement 1:  1).  Pp37-52
  33. Lufuno Charity Malala & Fhumulani Mavis Mulaudzi.  The provision of health education regarding HIV/AIDS prevention among boys who undergo male circumcision at hospitals in the Vhembe District, Limpopo Province, South Africa.  African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD).  October 2015 (Supplement 1:  1).  Pp102-118
  34. Simon N Nemutandani, Stephen JH Hendricks & F Mavis Mulaudzi.  HIV/AIDS and TB knowledge and beliefs among rural traditional practitioners in Limpopo Province, South Africa.  African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD).  October 2015 (Supplement 1:  1).  Pp119-134
  35. MD Peu, MLS Mataboge, RN Ngunyulu, FM Mulaudzi, SS Moloko-Phiri.  Challenges experienced by HealthCare providers with regards to the provision of School Healthcare services in Tshwane Sub-district, Gauteng Province.  Africa Journal of Nursing and Midwifery.  Volume 17 Supplement 2015.  ppS209-s221
  36. FM Mulaudzi, SS Moloko-Phiri, MD Peu, MLS Mataboge, RN Ngunyulu, RS Mogale.  Challenges experienced by South Africa in attending Millennium Development Goals 4, 5 and 6.  African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine.  ISSN:  (Online) 2071-2936, (Print) 2071-2928.  1-7
  37. RS Mogale, FM Mulaudzi, MD Peu, MLS Mataboge, RN Ngunyulu, SS Moloko-Phiri.  The constraints and concerns regarding the size and/or shape of the second-generation female condom:  The narratives from the healthcare providers.    African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine.  ISSN:  (Online) 2071-2936, (Print) 2071-2928.  Pp 1-7
  38. Simon N Nemutandani, SJ Hendricks, FM Mulaudzi.  Perceptions and experiences of allopathic health practitioners on collaboration with traditional health practitioners in post-apartheid South Africa.    African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine.  Pp 1-8
  39. RN Ngunyulu, FM Mulaudzi, MD Peu.  Perceptions of Midwives regarding the role of traditional birth attendants during postnatal care in South Africa.  African Journal of Nursing and Midwifery.  Volume 18 / Number 1 / 2016.  Pp 47-60
  40. Mr MS Nemutandani, Prof SJH Hendricks, Prof FM Mulaudzi.  Knowledge and beliefs about oral pseudomembranous candidiasis among traditional health practitioners in Limpopo Province, South Africa.  Research.  Volume 71 no 6.  Pp260-265
  41. Tendai Chari, Mavis Mulaudzi, Mogomme Masoga. Towards the integration of indigenous knowledge systems into climate change science.  INDILINGA-African journal of indigenous knowledge systems -.  Vol 15 (2) 2016
  42. Ramadimetja Mogale, Fhumalani M. Mulaudzi, Mmapheko D. Peu, Mamakwa Sanah Mataboge, Roinah N. Ngunyulu, Seepaneng S. Moloko-Phiri.  Climate change as a social health determinant and the mitigating indigenous interventions:  a hermeneutic literature review.  INDILINGA -African journal of indigenous knowledge systems.  Vol 15 (2) 2016
  43. Mamakwa Sanah Mataboge, Fumulani Mavis Mulaudzi, Friedeburg Anna Maria Wenhold, Phillip Obed Yobe Nkunika, Nomusa Rhoda Dlamini, Robyn Gwen Alders.  Effects of climate variability on the harvesting and preservation of Mopani worms. INDILINGA -African journal of indigenous knowledge systems.  Vol 15 (2) 2016
  44. RN Ngunyulu, FM Mulaudzi, MD Peu, O Khumisi & M Sethole.  The Sexual Health Needs of Learners in Makapanstad, Hammanskraal.  The Oriental Anthropologist.  Vol 16, No 2 (2016).  Pp 341-359
  45. SS Moloko-Phiri, FM Mulaudzi, T Heyns.  Women Abuse under the Guise of Culture and Language Use:  Women Narrate their Stories.  The Oriental Anthropologist.  Vol 16, No 2 (2016).  Pp 245-259
  46. RN Ngunyulu; MD Peu; FM Mulaudzi; MLS Mataboge & SS Moloko-Phiri.  Collaborative HIV care in primary health care:  nurse’s views.  2017.  International Council of Nurses. Pp1-7
  47. Tjale, M.P., Bhana, VM, FM Mulaudzi.  2017. The utilisation of performance management and development system for continuous professional development of nurse educators in Gauteng Nursing Colleges
  48. Nkhwashu,TE; Mulaudzi,FM & Masoga, MA. 2017.Biomedical health practitioners ‘s views regarding practices and health care delivery methods of the African indigenous health practitioners in Mpumalanga province, South Africa, IOSR Journal nof nursing and health sciences (6 )101-106.
  49. Miriam Moagi, Mavis Mulaudzi & Annatjie Van Der Wath (2019): Support programs for students at higher education institutions in South Africa: an appreciative inquiry study on managing alcohol abuse, Journal of Substance Use, DOI: 10.1080/14659891.2019.1664664

To link to this article:

  1. Ngunyulu, NR;  Sepeng, N; Moeta, M; Gambu,S; Mulaudzi, FM & Peu, MD. The perspectives of nursing students regarding the incorporation of African traditional indigenous knowledge in the curriculum. 2020. African journal of primary health care and Family medicine, 12(1) 
  2. Nkosi, L; Mulaudzi,FM, Peu, MD. Challenges related to the structure of the choice on termination of pregnancy services in public health facilities in the Tshwane district of Gauteng. 2020. African Journal of of reproductive health 24(1):106-114
  3. Mostert, K, Sethole.KM; Khumisi,O; Thambura, J; MD Peu, RN Ngunyulu & Mulaudzi, MF.2020. Sexual knowledge and practice of adolescent learners in a rural South African School, African Health Sciences, 20(1), 28-38

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