Message from the Head of Department

Religion is here to stay. Whatever it is that we consider to constitute religion, appears to have a resilience that baffles even the strongest pessimists of the continuation of religion. The post-modern and post-foundational paradigm we live in currently enables a multitude of religions to exist and flourish. Where during the 1960’s some scholars predicted the end of religion, scholars since the 1990’s predicted the growth of religion. It does however not mean a return to the dominance religion held over all aspects in society. Rather a new alternative spirituality or religiosity seems to emerge in our times. 

Christianity is one of the many religions existing in the world. One of the many questions a department of Religion Studies attempts to answer is to determine in what way does and should religion, and especially Christianity, influence society in all its various expressions. Religion and ecology, religion and art, religion and violence, religion and gender are all matters necessary to discuss and analyse.

An important aspect of Religion Studies is to investigate the models of relations religions stand in with one another. Our Department recently engaged in research and implementation of Scriptural Reasoning as way of religious encounter. Inter-religious relations and debate have become important vehicles to facilitate peaceful co-existence in a multi-cultural and multi-religious environment. Come and be part of this exciting new world of research.

Jaco Beyers

Head of Department





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