Staff (detailed list)

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Head of Department

Prof Chris Theron

Prof CC Theron

Title: Professor of physics
Research Area: Solid State Physics & Nuclear Materials Research
Areas of specialization: RBS, surface interactions
Teaching: Modelling & Simulations PHY 255, Honours Solid State Physics PHY 711, Classical Mechanics PHY 263
Office: Natural Sciences 1, Room 5-36
Tel: +27-(0)12-420-2455
E-mail: Chris Theron

Departmental Secretary

Mrs EA Meyburgh

Office: Natural Sciences 1, Room 5-36
Tel: +27-(0)12-420-2455
E-mail: meyburgh_em


Academic Staff

Prof N Chetty photo

Prof N Chetty

Curriculum Vitae
Title: Professor of physics

Research Area: Theoretical and Computational Solid State Physics

Areas of Specialisation: Quantum mechanical studies of solid state systems, density functional theory, Computational physics education research

Teaching: Solid State Physics PHY 364
Office: Natural Sciences 1, Room 5-54
Tel : +27-(0)12 420 6204
E-mail: chetty_em

Prof Deane

Prof R Deane

Title: Associate Professor
Research Area: Radio Astronomy
Teaching: Physics PHY 300 (Observational Astronomy), Computational Physics Honours (Python Component)
Office: Natural Sciences 1, Room 5-73
E-mail:roger.deane at

Mrs M Diale

Prof M Diale

Title: Associate Professor
Research Area: Electronic Materials and Thin Films
Teaching: Physics PHY 153
Office: Natural Sciences 1, Room 5-7
Tel:+27-(0)12-420 4418
E-mail: diale_em

Prof R Duvenhage

Title: Associate Professor
Research Area: Mathematical physics
Areas of Specialisation: Quantum dynamical systems and ergodic theory
Teaching: Classical Dynamics PHY 702, Statistical Physics PHY 704
Office: Natural Sciences 1, Room 5-48
Tel: +27-(0)12-420-2790
E-mail: duvenhage_em


Dr T Hlatshwayo

Title: Lecturer
Research Area: Nuclear materials
Teaching: Physics PHY 143
Office: Natural Sciences 1, Room 5-59
E-mail: hlatshwayo_em

Mr J Janse van Rensburg

Title: Lecturer
Research Area: Electronic Materials and Thin Films
Areas of Specialisation: Radiation defects in semiconductors
Teaching: First course in Physics PHY 124 & PHY 163, Electronics PHY 356
Office : Natural Sciences 1, Room 5-2
E-mail: jvr_em

Tjaart Krüger

Dr TPJ Krüger

Title: Senior Lecturer
Research Area: Biophysics
Areas of Specialisation: Photosynthetic light-harvesting complexes, protein dynamics, bio-inspired solar cells
Teaching: Physical Optics PHY 263
Office : Natural Sciences 1, Room 5-24
E-mail: [email protected]

Dolly Langa photo

Mr D Langa

Title: Lecturer
Research Area: Nuclear Materials and Surface Physics
Teaching: Physical for Biologists PHY 131
Office: Natural Sciences 1, Room 5-22
Tel: +27-(0)12-420-3132
E-mail: langa_em

Mr M Legodi

Title: Lecturer
Research Area: Electronic Materials and Thin Films
Teaching: Electromagnetism PHY 356
Office: Natural Sciences 1, Room 5-5
Tel: +27-(0)12-420-4413
E-mail: legodi_em

Mr AGJ Machatine

Title: Lecturer
Research Area: Group Theory
Office: Natural Sciences 1, Room 5-57 (Main Campus)
Physics and Chemistry Building, F223 (Mamelodi Campus)
Tel: +27-(0)12-420 2459 (Main Campus)
+27-(0)12-842-3536 (Mamelodi Campus)
E-mail: machatine_em

Dr Manyala

Prof N Manyala

Title: Professor of Physics and SARCHI Chair in Carbon Technology and Materials
Research Area: Carbon Technology and Materials
Teaching: Physics of Materials PHY 263
Office: Natural Sciences 1, Room 4-6 (Main Campus)
South Campus 2, Room 1-36
Tel: +27-(0)12-420-2908/3549
E-mail: manyala_em

Dr Mapasha

Dr E Mapasha

Title: Lecturer
Research Area: Theoretical and Computational Solid State Physics
Teaching: First Year Physics (PHY 133)

Office: Natural Sciences 1, Room 5-50 (Main Campus)

E-mail: edwin.mapasha at

Dr W Meyer

Prof W Meyer

Title: Associate Professor
Research Area: Electronic Materials and Thin Films
Teaching: First course in physics PHY 114, Classical Mechanics PHY 263, Electronic Materials PHY 713
Office: Natural Sciences 1, Room 5-44
Tel: +27-(0)12-420-2637
E-mail: meyer_em

Dr M Mlambo

Title: Researcher (Raman & FTIR)
Research Area: Optical Characterisation
Areas of Specialisation: Raman & Infrared Spectroscopy
Research Interests: Synthesis, characterization of nanoparticles and their application in surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS)
Office: Natural Sciences 1, Room 5-26
Tel: +27-(0)12-420-2458
Email: mbuso.mlambo at

Dr J Nel

Title: Associate Professor
Research Area: Electronic Materials and Thin Films, Optical Characterisation, Scanning Probe Microscopy
Teaching: First-year engineering physics FSK 176
Office: Natural Sciences 1, Room 5-11
Tel: +27-(0)12-420-3580
E-mail: nel_em


Mr Q Odendaal

Title: Lecturer
Teaching: FSK 116, Computational Modelling PHY 364
Office: Natural Sciences 1, Room 5-51
Tel: +27-(0)12-420-3903
E-mail: odendaal_em

Prof S Rakitianski

Curriculum Vitae
Title: Professor of physics
Research Area: Quantum Few-Body Theory
Areas of specialization: Quantum resonances, computational methods in quantum few-body theory, meso-nuclear and hyper-nuclear systems.
Teaching: Mathematical Methods PHY 701, Quantum Mechanics PHY 703
Office: Natural Sciences 1, Room 5-53
Tel: +27-(0)12-420-3173
E-mail: rakitianski_em

Prof Selyshcev

Prof PA Selyshchev

Title: Professor of physics
Research Area: Complex Systems
Areas of specialization: Complex non-linear systems and their evolution
Teaching: Statistical Physics PHY 364
Office: Natural Sciences 1, Room 5-70
Tel: +27-(0)12-420-6641
E-mail: selyshchev_em

Dr Thabethe

Dr TT Thabethe

Title: Lecturer
Research Area: Nuclear Materials Research
Areas of specialization: Nuclear Materials and Solid State Interactions
Office: Natural Sciences 1, Room 5-54
Tel: +27-(0)12-420-6204
E-mail: thabsile.thabethe @

Claudia Zander

Dr C Janse van Rensburg

Title: Lecturer
Research Area: Quantum Entanglement
Teaching: Quantum Mechanics PHY 356, Electrodynamics PHY 705
Office: Natural Sciences I, 5-4
Tel: +27-(0)12-420-5135
E-mail: zander_em

Konstantinos Zoubos

Prof K Zoubos

Title: Associate Professor
Research Area: Theoretical High Energy Physics
Teaching: Quantum Field Theory PHY 717, Particle & Astroparticle Physics PHY 310, Modern Physics PHY 255
Office: Natural Sciences I, 5-14
Tel: +27-(0)12-420-
E-mail: [email protected]


Associated Staff

Prof FD Auret

Title: Professor of Physics
Research Area: Electronic Materials and Thin Films
Office: Natural Sciences 1, Room 5-6
Tel: +27-(0)12-420-2684
E-mail: auret_em

Prof L Bredell

Prof L Bredell

Title: Associate Professor in Physics
Teaching: Radiation Physics RF 110, RFI 220
Office: Natural Sciences 1, Room 5-15
Tel: +27-(0)12-420-2787
E-mail: bredell_em


Prof P Chakraborty

More detailed personal information

Title: Honorary Professor
Presently: Senior Professor of Physics at Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata, India
Research interest: Atomic collisions in solids, SIMS, RBS, XPS, XTEM, XRR, MBE
Tel: +91 33 2337 5345-49 (5 lines) Extn: 1215 (India)
E-mail: chakraborty_em

Prof E Friedland

Prof EKH Friedland

Title: Extraordinary Professor
Research Area: Nuclear materials
Office: Natural Sciences 1, Room 5-17
Tel: +27-(0)12-420-2453
E-mail: friedland_em


Prof D Grayson

Prof D Grayson

Title: Professor Extraordinarius
Research Area: Physics Education

Prof Gries

Prof W Gries

Title: Honorary Professor
Research Area: Cognitive Physical Science
Research Interest: Implications of findings of the cognitive sciences for physical science
E-mail: gries_em


Prof JB Malherbe

Prof JB Malherbe

Title: Professor of Physics
Research Area: Nuclear materials & surface physics
Teaching: Vibrating Systems & Waves PHY 255
Office: Natural Sciences 1, Room 5-66
Tel: +27 (0)12 420 2455
E-mail: malherbe_em

Prof J van Staden

Prof J van Staden

Title: Honorary Professor
Teaching: Exploring the Universe SCI 154
Office: Natural Sciences 1, Room 5-18
Tel: +27-(0)12-420-2470
E-mail: vanstaden_em

Support Staff

Mr G Chabangu

Title: Messenger
Office: Natural Sciences 1, Room 5-36  

Mrs L Cilliers

Title: First-year practical coordinator
Office: Natural Sciences 1, Room 4-16
Tel: +27-(0)12-420-4168
E-mail: cilliers_em



Mr D Joubert

Title: Mechanical technician
Office: Natural Sciences 1, Room 1-27
Tel: +27-(0)12-420-6806
E-mail: joubert_em

Wisdom Dineo Maphutha

Title: Administrative Assistant (SARChI chair on Clean Energy)
Office: Natural Sciences 1, Room 5-10
Tel: +27-(0)12-420-3508
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr J Motsoeneng

Title: First-year practical coordinator (Mamelodi)
Office: Natural Sciences 1, Room 4-8
Tel: +27-(0)12-420-4967
E-mail: motsoeneng_em

Mr S Shithlane

Title: Workshop assistant
Office: Natural Sciences 1, Room 1-27

Mr J Smith

Title: Electronics technician
Office: Natural Sciences 1, Room 4-32
Tel: +27-(0)12-420-2863
E-mail: smith_em

Mr A van der Heever

Title: Technical Assistant first-year laboratory
Office: Natural Sciences 1, Room 4-14
Tel: +27-(0)12-420-2094
E-mail: vdheever_em

Past Members

BCA Boeyens

Prof JCA Boeyens (deceased)

Title: Extraordinary Professor
Research interest: Quantum Chemistry

Prof R Booth photo

Prof R Booth

Research Area: Radio Astronomy
Teaching: Observational Astronomy, Radio Astronomy

Dr C Moji (deceased)

Title: Senior Lecturer
Research Area: Physics Education

Dr L Prinsloo

Title: First Technical Assistant (Raman & FTIR)
Research: Optical Characterisation
Areas of Specialisation: Raman & Infrared Spectroscopy

Dr H Throop

Dr H Throop

Research Area: Planetary Astronomy
Teaching: Observational Astronomy, Astrobiology

Dr N van der Berg

Dr N van der Berg (deceased)

Title: Senior Lecturer
Research Area: Surface physics & Nuclear materials

Prof J van der Merwe

Prof J van der Merwe (deceased)

Title: Honorary Professor
Research Area: Theory of Epitaxy


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