Code | Faculty | Department |
04130012 | Faculty of Law | Department: Law Dean's Office |
Credits | Duration | NQF level |
Minimum duration of study: 4 years | Total credits: 501 | NQF level: 08 |
Refer to General Academic Regulations G1-G15.
The LLB is the first professional qualification for legal practitioners and provides qualifiers with the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills to gain entry into the formal legal profession (eg attorneys/advocates), or to follow other careers in law.
Important information for all prospective students for 2024
The admission requirements below apply to all who apply for admission to the University of Pretoria with a National Senior Certificate (NSC) and Independent Examination Board (IEB) qualifications. Click here for this Faculty Brochure.
Minimum requirements | |
Achievement level | |
English Home Language or English First Additional Language | APS |
6 | 35 |
Candidates that fulfil the requirements for admission to this programme will be considered. Candidates are urged to apply as early as possible from 1 April.
Life Orientation is excluded when calculating the APS.
Applicants currently in Grade 12 must apply with their final Grade 11 (or equivalent) results.
Applicants who have completed Grade 12 must apply with their final NSC or equivalent qualification results.
Please note that meeting the minimum academic requirements does not guarantee admission.
Successful candidates will be notified once admitted or conditionally admitted.
Unsuccessful candidates will be notified after 30 June.
Applicants should check their application status regularly on the UP Student Portal at click here.
Applicants with qualifications other than the abovementioned should refer to the Brochure: Undergraduate Programme Information 2024: Qualifications other than the NSC and IEB, available at click here.
International students: Click here.
Transferring students
A transferring student is a student who, at the time of applying at the University of Pretoria (UP) is/was a registered student at another tertiary institution. A transferring student will be considered for admission based on NSC or equivalent qualification and previous academic performance. Students who have been dismissed from other institutions due to poor academic performance will not be considered for admission to UP.
Closing dates: Same as above.
Returning students
A returning student is a student who, at the time of application for a degree programme is/was a registered student at UP, and wants to transfer to another degree at UP. A returning student will be considered for admission based on NSC or equivalent qualification and previous academic performance.
Closing date for applications from returning students
Unless capacity allows for an extension of the closing date, applications from returning students must be submitted before the end of August via your UP Student Centre.
The Dean determines which elective modules will be presented each year, taking into consideration the availability of lecturing personnel, space and financial implications and/or other circumstances. The Dean may determine the maximum number of registrations for a specific elective module. The Dean may, on recommendation of the relevant head of department, determine that a particular fourth-year elective module will not be offered where on the first day of lectures nine or fewer students are registered for the module.
A student may only register for a final-year elective module in the LLB if the student qualifies as a finalist for that year of study. Students who are not finalists may only enrol for a final-year elective where, upon written application, the Dean of the Faculty of Law allows such a registration based on the student’s academic record and circumstances.
The Dean has the discretion to credit any other legal module of equal standard passed at another institution as an elective.
The following aspects should be kept in mind:
The Dean has the discretion to also credit any other legal module of equal standard presented at the University of Pretoria as an elective on an ad hoc basis where this module is not provided for in the current LLB offering, subject to prior approval of the Dean.
Advisory note: Students who intend to pursue an LLB degree must note that to obtain the LLB degree they will be required to obtain at least 24 credits from the following list of language modules: ENG 118, ENG 110, ENG 120.
General requirements
1. Repeating of modules and maximum number of modules per year
2. Credit for modules
Students transferring from another university can only obtain credit for at the most 50% of the modules needed for the degree and must complete at least 50% of the modules at the University of Pretoria.
Dean's merit list
The Student Administration office publishes the Dean’s merit list by March of every calendar year. The list contains the student numbers, in chronological sequence, of those LLB students who achieved a weighted average (ie in accordance with the credit value of each module) of at least 75% in the preceding calendar year.
The weighted average is calculated as follows: The final mark obtained for each module for which the student registered in the preceding calendar year is multiplied by the credit value for that particular module. The sum of the values so obtained for each module are added together and divided by the total of the credit values of all modules for which the student registered in the preceding calendar year. The average so calculated is not rounded off.
A student who failed module(s) or who failed to gain entrance to the exam in the module(s) in a given calendar year may not appear on the Dean’s merit list for that calendar year.
Although modules credited from other universities are not considered for calculating the weighted average, a student with an average of 75% will qualify for the Dean's merit.
A transferring student will qualify for the Dean's merit list with the average of 75% for all modules passed at UP for that calender year.
Please consult the Examination and Test policy as contained in the Faculty Regulations.
(According to Regulation G3 the Faculty Board may set promotion requirements which students must adhere to before they will be promoted.)
For the 4-year LLB degree to be awarded with distinction, a student must obtain a grade point average (ie in accordance with the credit value of each module) of at least 75% in respect of all the modules prescribed for the third and fourth years of the LLB degree, completed at this University. The grade point average is calculated as follows: The final mark obtained for each third- and fourth-year module prescribed for the LLB degree, including the electives, is multiplied by the credit value of that particular module. The sum of these values is added together and divided by the total of the credit values of all prescribed third- and fourth-year LLB modules. The average so calculated is not rounded off. A student who failed a third- or fourth-year LLB module, including any of the electives, may not be awarded the degree with distinction.
BA (Law) graduates
For the LLB degree to be awarded with distinction to a BA (Law) (UP) graduate, a student must obtain a grade point average (ie in accordance with the credit value of each module) of at least 75% in respect of the following modules completed at this University:
RPK 210 and 220
VBB 220
BLR 310
BWR 310 and 320
IGZ 320
ISR 310
ODR 320
PBL 310 and 320
SAR 310
VHD 320
ABR 410
PBL 410 and 420
PVR 420
SIP 412 and 421
ESS 400
SPR 411 and 421
Four final-year electives
The grade point average is calculated as follows: The final mark obtained for each of the modules listed above, including the electives, is multiplied by the credit value of that particular module. The sum of these values is added together and divided by the total of the credit values of the modules listed above. The average so calculated is not rounded off. A BA (Law) (UP) graduate who failed any of the modules listed above, including any of the electives, may not be awarded the LLB degree with distinction.
BCom (Law) graduates
For the LLB degree to be awarded with distinction to a BCom (Law) (UP) graduate, a student must obtain a grade point average (ie in accordance with the credit value of each module) of at least 75% in respect of the following modules completed at this University:
FMR 121
PBL 200
RPK 210 and 220
RPR 210
RVW 210
BLR 310
BWR 310 and 320
IGZ 320
JUR 310
PBL 310 and 320
ABR 410
PBL 410 and 420
PVR 420
SIP 412 and 421
ESS 400
SPR 411 and 421
Four final-year electives
The grade point average is calculated as follows: The final mark obtained for each of the modules listed above, including the electives, is multiplied by the credit value of that particular module. The sum of these values is added together and divided by the total of the credit values of the modules listed above. The average so calculated is not rounded off. A BCom (Law) (UP) graduate who failed any of the modules listed above, including any of the electives, may not be awarded the LLB degree with distinction.
Minimum credits: 121
Fundamental credits: 38
Core credits: 59
Elective credits: 24
Module content:
Find, evaluate, process, manage and present information resources for academic purposes using appropriate technology.
Module content:
Apply effective search strategies in different technological environments. Demonstrate the ethical and fair use of information resources. Integrate 21st-century communications into the management of academic information.
Module content:
*For LLB and BA/BCom specialising in law
The module has both a theoretical and skills component. All elements described below will encompass conceptual knowledge combined with practical application.
Module content:
*For LLB and BA/BCom specialising in law
Module content:
*Alternative evening classes - 2 discussion classes per week Introduction to Literature in English (1)
This module introduces the study of literature by examining a number of texts representing different genres (poetry, prose, drama). The texts studied here will be mainly from the pre-twentieth century era and may include texts written in English from both Africa and other parts of the world. The aim of this module is to equip students with the critical and analytical skills required for a perceptive reading of poetry, novels and plays.
Module content:
This module is intended to equip students with a thorough knowledge of English grammar and is particularly useful for those interested in a career in teaching, editing, document design or other forms of language practice.
Module content:
*Alternative evening classes: 2 discussion classes per week
Introduction to Literature in English (2)
This module introduces the study of post-nineteenth century literature by examining a number of texts representing different genres (poetry, drama, prose). Texts will be from both Africa and other parts of the world. By the end of this module students should have the background and analytical skills to perceptively read modern and contemporary poetry, novels and plays.
Module content:
*For LLB and BA/BCom specialising in law
Law of Parent and Child;
Module content:
*For LLB and BA/BCom specialising in Law
The legal rules in respect of the coming into existence, private law status and termination of a natural person or legal subject
Module content:
*For LLB and BA/BCom specialising in law
General introduction to Roman law and European law as foundations of South African private law
Module content:
Taalkundekomponent: Inleiding tot die Afrikaanse taalkunde
Inleiding tot die Afrikaanse taalkunde met die klem op skryfvaardighede.
Letterkundekomponent: Inleiding tot Afrikaanse literatuurstudie
Inleiding tot die Afrikaanse literatuurgeskiedenis, -kritiek en -teorie.
Module content:
Afrikaans for speakers of other languages (1)
*No mother tongue speakers of Afrikaans will be allowed to take this module.
A subject for advanced learners of Afrikaans. A basic knowledge of Afrikaans grammar and listening, reading, writing and speaking skills are required.
Module content:
Taalkundekomponent: Fonetiek en fonologie
Inleiding tot die Afrikaanse fonetiek en fonologie. Inleiding tot die Afrikaanse taalkunde.
Letterkundekomponent: Afrikaanse populêre kultuur
Inleiding tot kultuurstudie: ʼn Oorsig oor populêre fiksie, musiek en films in Afrikaans.
Module content:
Introduction to Philosophy
The two semester modules at first-year level introduce students to four main subfields of philosophy, namely metaphysics, epistemology, political philosophy and ethics. This module introduces students to two of these subfields, namely epistemology and metaphysics with reference to the work of a range of scholars from Africa and the rest of the Global South as well as from Asia and the West. Students will become acquainted with the nature of philosophical reflection by exploring a number of classical philosophical themes in each subfield. Throughout the module there is an emphasis on developing those critical thinking, reading and writing skills that are required in Philosophy, while students become acquainted with the power of critique as judgment and discernment.
Module content:
Introduction to Philosophy
The two semester modules at first-year level introduce students to four main subfields of philosophy, namely metaphysics, epistemology, political philosophy and ethics. This module introduces students to two of these subfields, namely political philosophy and ethics and the emphasis is on texts by African and Western scholars. Students will become acquainted with the nature of philosophical reflection by exploring a number of classical philosophical themes in each subfield. Throughout the module there is an emphasis on developing those critical thinking, reading and writing skills that are required in Philosophy, while students become acquainted with the power of critique as judgment and discernment.
Module content:
The nature and function of accounting; the development of accounting; financial position; financial result; the recording process; processing of accounting data; treatment of VAT; elementary income statement and balance sheet; flow of documents; accounting systems; introduction to internal control and internal control measures; bank reconciliations; control accounts; adjustments; financial statements of a sole proprietorship; the accounting framework.
Module content:
Budgeting, payroll accounting, taxation – income tax and an introduction to other types of taxes, credit and the new Credit Act, insurance, accounting for inventories (focus on inventory and the accounting entries, not calculations), interpretation of financial statements.
Module content:
The making of the Modern World: a survey
A selection of themes on Asia, Africa, the Americas and Europe and their contribution to the making of the Modern World.
Module content:
Africa and South Africa: a survey
An overview focusing on the making of African and South African societies from the earliest times to the present with emphasis on the most significant historical forces, factors and events.
Module content:
Part 1: Fundamental criminology
A general introduction to criminology is provided. An overview of factors that contribute to crime, forensic criminology and forensic criminalistics are investigated.
Part 2: Violent crime
Various types of violent crimes receive attention in this section.
Module content:
Part 1: Penology
Attention is given to the roleplayers in the criminal justice system, namely the police, judiciary and corrections.
Part 2: Crime prevention and control
The nature and extent of crime, theories to explain criminal behaviour and crime prevention and control are investigated.
The two sections will not necessarily be presented in chronological order.
Module content:
An introduction to the study of organised political society at national and international levels with specific reference to political concepts, approaches and methods. The emphasis is on state and governance as frameworks for analysis in light of the salient changes brought about at national and international levels by globalisation. Attention is paid to the corresponding dynamics of regime development, performance and change at national and international levels considering increasing challenges to national sovereignty from within and without states in a context of a growing global agenda dealing with transnational issues and challenges, such as the environment, human rights, development and humanitarian intervention.
Module content:
Invitation to Sociology
How do we understand ourselves as individuals in relation to society? How are our individual life courses and large-scale processes of social and historical change related to each other? How have our societies come to be what they are today? And how can we think of our private troubles as public issues? These questions are at the very heart of sociology as a distinctive way of thinking about and understanding the social worlds that we inhabit. This module invites students to become familiar with sociological ways of thinking about current issues and personal experiences (particularly in the southern African context), and to develop the analytical skills that are necessary in order to ask and answer critical questions about the communities, society, and world that they live in. The module will include a specific emphasis on academic reading skills.
Module content:
Thinking sociologically
Drawing from the idea of Sociology as a discipline that focuses on critical thinking, the module will introduce students to ways of questioning the obvious and the taken-for-granted. In particular, power and inequality will be problematised, with a focus on how power operates to structure racial, class and gender inequalities across institutions, ideologies and identities. The module will introduce students to the operations of power as manifested in the production of institutions, the proliferation of identities and heightened contestations among ideologies. The module will include a specific emphasis on writing skills.
Minimum credits: 120
Module content:
*For LLB and BA/BCom specialising in Law
Module content:
*For LLB and BCom specialising in law
Module content:
*For LLB and BA/BCom specialising in law
Module content:
Module content:
Module content:
*For LLB
Module content:
*For LLB
Module content:
*For LLB and BA specialising in law
Module content:
*For LLB, BAdmin, BA specialising in law and BCom Taxation
Statute law:
Principles of interpretation:
Module content:
*For LLB and BCom specialising in law
Minimum credits: 127
Module content:
*For LLB
Module content:
Module content:
Module content:
*For LLB and BA/BCom specialising in law
Module content:
*For LLB
Module content:
**For LLB and BCom specialising in law
Module content:
*For LLB and BA specializing in Law
An overview of the most important jurisprudential approaches amongst others natural law, positivism, realism, critical legal theory, modern and post-modern approaches. The theoretical and practical value of these approaches are investigated within a post-apartheid context.
Module content:
*For LLB and BCom specialising in law
Module content:
*For LLB and BAdmin
An overview of judicial review of administrative action in light of the Constitution and the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act 3 of 2000, with a focus on the legitimate scope of such judicial review and the grounds for judicial review.
Module content:
*For LLB
Module content:
*For LLB
The module includes the following:
(This module is a prerequisite to register for ESS 400. Attendance at all the lectures is required to obtain the prescribed credits.)
Module content:
*For LLB and BA/BCom specialising in law
Module content:
*For LLB and BCom specialising in Law
Minimum credits: 140
Select 4 electives to the value of 40 credits.
Module content:
*For LLB
Module content:
*For LLB
Introduction to criminal law:
General principles of criminal law: elements of criminal liability:
Module content:
*For LLB
Specific crimes:
Module content:
*For LLB
Capita selecta from any of the following:
Module content:
STUDY UNIT 1: Introduction to Civil Procedure and the structure of the courts
STUDY UNIT 2: Consultation, legal representation, demand and prescription
STUDY UNIT 3: General principles of jurisdiction
STUDY UNIT 4: Jurisdiction of the High Court
STUDY UNIT 5: Jurisdiction of the Magistrate's Court
STUDY UNIT 6: Jurisdiction of the Small Claims Court
STUDY UNIT 7: The parties
STUDY UNIT 8: Applications
STUDY UNIT 9: Summons, particulars of claim and declaration
STUDY UNIT 10: Service of process
STUDY UNIT 11: Judgment at an early stage
STUDY UNIT 12: Summary judgment
Module content:
STUDY UNIT 13: Defective processes and non-compliance with the rules
STUDY UNIT 14: Settlement offers, security for costs and mediation
STUDY UNIT 15: The plea, counterclaim, replication, counterplea and close of pleadings
STUDY UNIT 16: Amendment of pleadings
STUDY UNIT 17: Preparation for trial
STUDY UNIT 18: The trial and judgment
STUDY UNIT 19: Provisional sentence
STUDY UNIT 20: Appeals and reviews
STUDY UNIT 21: Execution
STUDY UNIT 22: Debt collections and administrations
STUDY UNIT 23: Legal costs
STUDY UNIT 24: Interdicts, Mareva injunctions and Anton Piller orders
Module content:
Module content:
Module content:
*For LLB
Theory pertaining to negotiating, mediation and arbitration as well as the theoretical and practical implementation thereof in various legal fields such as criminal law, matrimonial law, international law, labour law and sectional title law.
Module content:
*For LLB
Introductory debate on the universality and cultural specificity of human rights and a historical overview of human rights in Africa. The module focuses on the notion of transformation and explores its theoretical content as well as practical implications. Students will be expected to investigate and develop a transformative jurisprudence/ a jurisprudence of transformation. Issues to be considered include: human rights and democracy; constitutional sovereignty in South Africa; the notion of transformative constitutionalism; critical engagements with transformation; instantiations of transformation.
Module content:
*For LLB
Module content:
*For LLB
The module has both a theoretical and a community engagement component.
Module content:
This module offers an introduction to various legal aspects relating to the contemporary challenges of persons with disabilities as a multi-and interdisciplinary field of study. A capita selecta of topics include different legal issues pertinent to the protection and promotion of the rights of persons with disabilities in South Africa, the social construct of disability, the relevance of international human rights and the CRPD (and its Protocol), and the interplay between the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the rights discourse.
Module content:
*For LLB
This module offers an introduction to various legal aspects related to the contemporary exploitation of mineral resources. A capita selecta of topics include different legal issues in mine development and production; associated environmental and social challenges; mineral resource governance, and the interplay between the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the mining sector.
Module content:
*For LLB
Module content:
*For LLB
Module content:
*For LLB
Module content:
*For LLB
The topics covered include:
Module content:
*For LLB
The module focuses on various jurisprudential approaches including philosophical perspectives; critical theory; and other inter- and transdisciplinary perspectives on law and their response and relation to contemporary issues.
Module content:
*For LLB
Module content:
*For LLB
Module content:
*For LLB
Module content:
*For LLB
Module content:
*For LLB
Capita selecta from media and communications law in the light of the Constitution.
Module content:
*For LLB
Module content:
*For LLB
Module content:
*For LLB
Module content:
*For LLB
Module content:
*For LLB
An introduction to the medical and social aspects of the disease, and aspects of the legal position of people with HIV/Aids; seminar assignments (mini-dissertations) about problems of a moral and legal nature, such as the criminalisation of HIV infection as a separate statutory offence, implications of the right to health care, notification of HIV/Aids and the limits of privacy, as well as aspects arising from medical experimentation and the development of a vaccine.
Module content:
This module offers an in-depth analysis to various legal aspects relating to the contemporary challenges and benefits of applying and recognising African Customary law as an independent legal system as championed by the Constitution. A capita selecta of topics include different legal issues pertinent to the field of African Customary law in South Africa, ranging from public, private and procedural law matters.
Module content:
*For LLB
Section A: Law of Unlawful Competition – the Common Law of Competition
The following aspects will be dealt with:
Section B: Statutory Competition Law - the Competition Act, 1998
The following aspects will be dealt with:
Module content:
*For LLB
Module content:
*For LLB
Capita selecta from:
Forensic criminalistics:
Module content:
Module content:
*For LLB
(a) Delictual liability
(b) Contractual liability
(c) Criminal liability
(d) Diverse aspects arising from sports
Module content:
*For LLB
(a) International contracts of sale
(b) International contracts of carriage
(c) Insurance contracts in international transactions
Module content:
*For LLB
(a) Aspects of trust law
(b) Aspects of administration of deceased estates
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