
Advanced plant food science and technologies 702

Modulekode FST 702
Kwalifikasie Postgraduate
Fakulteit Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences

Plant food functionality:  Starch, non-starch polysaccharides, protein.  Advanced rheology and texture.  Malting and brewing.  Ready-to-eat (RTE) technologies and their impact on functional and nutritional quality.  Plant oil processing.  Minimal processing of fruits and vegetables.  Practical work:  Pasting properties of starch; Dough rheology; Isolation of legume and cereal proteins;  SDS-PAGE electrophoreses of legume and cereal proteins; Malting and mashing of sorghum and barley male; Extraction of essential oils; Extraction and identification of phenolic compounds; Minimal processing of fruit and vegetables.

Modulekrediete 15.00
NQF Level 08
Prerequisites No prerequisites.
Contact time 3 practicals S2, 5 discussion classes in semester 2, 5 practicals S1, 8 discussion classes in semester 1
Language of tuition Module is presented in English
Department Consumer and Food Sciences
Period of presentation Year

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