
Manufacturing planning systems 782

Modulekode BPZ 782
Kwalifikasie Postgraduate
Fakulteit Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology

Review of MPC, Agile Manufacturing Processes, Models of MPC
Section 1: Review of MPC Theories and Framework
Section 2: Research Framework for Problems in Manufacturing Systems
1. Mathematical Model based Problems and their techniques
2. Estimation and Hypothesis based Problems and their techniques
Section 3: Introduction to MPC Problems and sample Models
1. Forecasting models
2. Aggregate planning models
3. Lot sizing and disaggregation models
4. Finite Scheduling models
5. Lean Manufacturing Models
6. Basic Distribution and Replenishment Models
7. Basic Supply Chain Structural Analysis and Performance Models
Section 4: Agile Panning Problems and Techniques
1. Multi-Level Master Scheduling Techniques
2. Constraint Scheduling – (TOC theory, applications and optimisation)
3. Lean Manufacturing Implementation (from Flow Lean to Process Kaizen )
4. Introduction to CONWIP ideology
5. Introduction to Demand Driven MRP

Modulekrediete 32.00
NQF Level 08
Prerequisites Operations Management and Operations Research (advisable but not mandatorily required)
Contact time 36 contact hours per semester
Language of tuition Module is presented in English
Department Industrial and Systems Engineering
Period of presentation Semester 1 or Semester 2

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