
Performance studies: Praxis 310

Modulekode TNP 310
Kwalifikasie Undergraduate
Fakulteit Faculty of Humanities
*Closed – only for BDram students
*Students have to pass all components of this module in order to be promoted to the next year level
Live performance and digital performance
This module employs the notions of making, appreciating and performing to explore selected modes of contemporary live theatrical performance as well as performance for the digital media.
This module further offers discipline specific skills training in relation to selected voice and body movement pedagogies in the context of making, appreciating and performing. Students need to select two of the four available skills training options (physical theatre/dance; singing voice, theatre voice, movement for the actor) in consultation with lecturers.
This module consolidates the conceptual, vocal and physical skills acquired in the previous two years and focuses on the application of heightened physicality and vocality in performance.
Students will have to align their TNP 310 praxis choices with their choices within each third-year level theory module choices within TNP 310 are:
  • Performance (Acting)
  • Theatre voice
  • Singing
  • Movement for the actor
  • Physical theatre and dance
  • Digital media
  • Directing/Theatre making
  • Writing for stage and film
  • Music theatre (musical theatre and cabaret)
  • Radio
  • Camera acting
Students who want to proceed to the Drama department's honours programme need to consider the following:
  • DRA 702 (Performance studies) needs Performance (Acting), Theatre voice and Movement for the actor as entry level requirements
  • DRA 705 (Physical theatre) needs Performance (Acting), Physical theatre and Theatre voice as entry level requirements
  • Musical theatre needs Physical theatre and dance, Performance (Acting) and Singing as entry level requirements
  • Cabaret needs Performance (Acting), Movement for the actor and Singing. (TNT 211 and TNT 311 [Directing] will be favourable)
Modulekrediete 40.00
Prerequisites TNP 210+DS
Contact time Twenty times per week
Language of tuition Afrikaans and English are used in one class
Department School of the Arts
Period of presentation Year

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