Mini-dissertation 895

Module code AHE 895
Qualification Postgraduate
Faculty Faculty of Veterinary Science
Module content

A mini-dissertation must be submitted on an appropriate topic depending on the field of interest of the student. A research project of limited scope must be undertaken and written in the format of a mini-dissertation to fulfil the requirements of the MSc. The research topic is determined in consultation with the supervisor and head of department and the research project must be approved according to Faculty guidelines. Before or together with the mini-dissertation, a student must submit at least one draft article for publication in an acknowledged journal to the Faculty Administration, failing which the degree will not be conferred. The draft article must be based on the research for the mini-dissertation and must be acceptable to the supervisor and meet subsidy requirements.

Module credits 90.00
Prerequisites No prerequisites.
Language of tuition Module is presented in English
Department Veterinary Tropical Diseases
Period of presentation Year

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