Programme: BNurs

Kindly take note of the disclaimer regarding qualifications and degree names.
Code Faculty
10131002 Faculty of Health Sciences
Credits Duration
Minimum duration of study: 4 years Total credits: 520
Prof FM Mulaudzi
[email protected]
+27 (0)123541908

Programme information

  1. The Bachelor of Nursing Science [BNur] degree is a four-year, professional, career-oriented whole qualification that allows graduates to register with the South African Nursing Council (SANC) as:
  • Nurse (General, Psychiatric and Community); and
  • Midwife/Accoucheur
  1. Successful completion of the degree programme will present graduates with the opportunity to further their studies in Nursing Science at postgraduate level.
  2. Candidates who comply with the necessary admission requirements will follow the prescribed curriculum.
  1. The compulsory practical and clinical hours of training amount to a grand total of at least 4 000 hours over a four-year period
  2. Due to the compulsory practical and clinical training component as well as professional development, the curriculum cannot be completed in less than four years.
  3. The training institutions in question will grant vacation and sick leave according to the applicable requirements of the South African Nursing Council (SANC).

Note: Also consult the General Regulations.

Conferment of the degree
The Bachelor of Nursing Science [BNur] is conferred on students who have fulfilled all the programme requirements as well as the prescribed practical and clinical training successfully.

Successful completion of the degree entitles the graduate to register with the South African Nursing Council as Nurse (General, Psychiatric and Community) and as Midwife/Accoucheur.

Admission requirements

  • The following persons will be considered for admission: a candidate who is in possession of a certificate that is deemed by the University to be equivalent to the required Grade 12 certificate with university endorsement; a candidate who is a graduate from another tertiary institution or has been granted the status of a graduate of such an institution; and a candidate who is a graduate of another faculty at the University of Pretoria; and a candidate who is currently in university.
  • Life Orientation is excluded in the calculation of the APS.
  • Grade 11 final examination results, the NBT results as well as a Value-added Questionnaire will be used for the conditional admission of prospective students.
  • Admission to Health Sciences programmes is subject to a selection process.
  • The applications of international candidates who come from countries that have medical schools will not be considered for placement in the MBChB programme except where intergovernmental agreements are in place.
  • For selection purposes the sum of the results in six subjects, including English, is calculated.
  • Candidates, please note that your APS may not drop with more than two points in your final school examination results in order to maintain your provisional admission.
  • PLEASE NOTE that compliance with the minimum admission requirements does not necessarily guarantee admission to any programme in this Faculty.
  • Selection queries may be directed to [email protected].
  • Mathematics, Physical Science or Life Sciences are not compulsory subjects, but they will be an advantage for selection purposes.

Minimum requirements

Achievement level

English Home Language or English First Additional Language




AS Level







* Cambridge A level candidates who obtained at least a D in the required subjects, will be considered for admission. International Baccalaureate (IB) HL candidates who obtained at least a 4 in the required subjects, will be considered for admission.

Other programme-specific information

  1. Students who have to repeat specific modules, must also acquire a certificate of satisfactory attendance and progress in Nursing Practice Education (both modules of the year in question) in the year of repetition, even if the modules in question have already been passed in the unsuccessful year.
  2. Examinations are compulsory in respect of all the modules presented by the Department of Nursing Science, as it is not possible to be promoted in any of these modules.
  3. Each division of (NPE 461) Nursing practice education 461 must be passed individually with a subminimum of 50%.

Examinations and pass requirements

Exemption from the examination in (ANP) Anatomical Pathology 210
Exemption from the examination may be granted if a student who obtained a module mark of at least 60%, exercises the option to accept it as the final mark.

Academic exclusion from further study

  1. In accordance with the stipulations of the General Regulations, a student must complete the degree programme for which he or she is registered within the prescribed minimum period of study plus two years.
  2. Subject to the stipulations mentioned in a. above, a student in the School of Health Sciences, who fails a year of study for the second time, will only be allowed one opportunity to repeat a year of study, and will have to submit a written application for readmission to the programme in accordance with the prescribed procedure.

Passing modules in Anatomy and Physiology

  1. A module mark is calculated from the continuous evaluation opportunities during the course of the presentation of the relevant module. These evaluations will include one or more of the following:
  1. Evaluations in connection with theoretical knowledge.
  2. Evaluations in connection with practical knowledge and skills.
  3. Compulsory attendance at and active participation in prescribed activities.
  4. A final comprehensive module test.
  1. Students may exercise the option that the module mark at the end of the semester be ratified as the final module mark for the relevant module (i.e. they are exempted from the module examination for this module), if they comply with the following requirements:
  1. The abovementioned module mark is more than 65%.
  2. Proven attendance of all applicable module-specific activities, namely:
  • All tests/continuous evaluations.
  • All practical work and skills development sessions.
  1. Attendance of the relevant module from Day 1.
  2. No convictions by the School’s Preliminary Disciplinary Committee (Student Transgressions) of any form of transgression.
  1. A module examination is granted to all registered students (even if the module mark is more than 65%).
  2. The final module mark is calculated from the examination mark and the module mark (continuous evaluation) in the ratio 50:50.
  3. A second module examination is granted to all students who have obtained a final module mark of 40% to 49%. Students who have obtained a module mark of less than 40%, fail the module and will have to repeat the year of study.
  4. The relevant second examination will take place in November/December of the current year or in January of the subsequent year. A minimum of 50% is required to pass in the second examination.
  5. Aegrotats or extraordinary examinations, for students who could not sit the module examination due to health or other acceptable reasons, will take place during the second examination period. Students must apply formally for these examinations, and will be admitted by the Chairperson of the School or his/her authorised person. Where applicable, the Chairperson of the School may first require the recommendation of the Faculty Health Committee before admission to an aegrotat.

All modalities of a final examination must be written jointly as an aegrotat or extraordinary examination, even if part of the relevant examination had already been written during the previous examination period.

The final module mark is calculated from the marks of all the sections/ modalities of the aegrotat or extraordinary examination and the continuous evaluation mark. The same criteria as set for a pass mark in a module are applicable here. Students who could not sit the module examination in the examination period due to acceptable reasons, and who are consequently writing the module examination in the second examination period, forfeit the opportunity to be admitted to a further second examination.

Exemption from the examination in (FAR) Pharmacology 381, 382
Exemption from the examination can be granted if a student who obtained a module mark of at least 60%, exercises the option to accept it as the final mark.

  • In accordance with the stipulations of the General Regulations, no minimum year or semester mark is needed for admission to the examination, and all registered students are admitted to the examination automatically.
  • The final mark for a specific module in Nursing Science, Physiotherapy, Radiography, Occupational Therapy and Human Nutrition (at least 50% is required to pass) is calculated from the examination mark as well as the mark compiled from the evaluation of a student during continuous, objective and controlled assessment opportunities during the course of the quarter/semester/year. At least one formal assessment per module is set as the minimum norm, and students will be exposed on a continuous and regular basis to self-directed assignments in order to promote reflective learning.
  • In the case of modules with practical components, students are required to also comply with the applicable attendance requirements with regard to acquiring practical skills before a pass mark can be obtained for the module.
  • There are two main examination opportunities per annum, the first and second examination. In respect of first-semester modules, the first examination opportunity is in May/June and the second examination opportunity in July. In respect of second-semester modules, the first examination opportunity is in October/ November and the second examination opportunity in November/December of the same year. Where students need to work additional clinical hours to be allowed to do a second examination, the relevant head of department will determine the second examination opportunity.
  • Only two examination opportunities per module are allowed. If a student fails a module at the second examination opportunity, the module must be repeated.
  • A second examination opportunity in a module is granted to students in the following cases:

- If a student obtains a final mark of less than 50% in the relevant module at the first examination opportunity and thus fails.

- If a student does not obtain the subminimum in the examination, as required for a specific module.

- If a student does not sit the examination in a module at the first examination opportunity due to illness or extraordinary circumstances.

  • Students intending to sit the second examination due to the reasons mentioned above, must register for the second examination opportunity 24 hours after the results have been made public.
  • If a student fails a module at the first examination opportunity, the examination mark obtained in the relevant module at the second examination opportunity will be calculated as the final mark. The marks obtained with continuous evaluation during the course of the quarter/semester/year will not be taken into calculation. If the student passes the module at the second examination opportunity, a maximum of 50% is awarded as a pass mark to the module in question.
  • If a student could not sit the examination in a module at the first examination opportunity due to illness or extraordinary circumstances, the continuous evaluation mark, together with the examination mark obtained in the module in question at the second examination opportunity, will be calculated as the final mark obtained in the module.
  • The School of Healthcare Sciences applies the General Regulations, according to which a student requiring a limited number of modules to complete his or her degree, may in terms of faculty regulations, be admitted to a special examination in the modules in question.

Promotion to next study year

  • A student must pass in all the prescribed core modules of a specific year of study to be promoted to a subsequent year of study. A student can only be promoted to a subsequent year of study if the student has not failed more than two fundamental modules of seven weeks each per semester or one module of 14 weeks per semester. A non-negotiable prerequisite for admission to the final year of study is pass marks in all the core and fundamental modules of the preceding years of study. Refer to the programmes for fundamental modules in each discipline.
  • A pass mark refers to a final mark of at least 50%.
  • Modules with practical and clinical training credits cannot be passed unless all the prescribed clinical hours and practical activities have been completed to the satisfaction of the relevant head of department.
  • The Chairperson of the examination moderating meeting may, after assessing the student’s total profile, grant special approval to be promoted to the next year of study.
  • The exception is the Department of Human Nutrition, where the regulations as applicable in the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences regarding the modules presented by that Faculty, are relevant.
  • Modules can only be taken in advance or repeated if it can be accommodated in the existing examination timetable.
  • A student who must repeat a year of study may, with the approval of the Chairperson of the examination moderating meeting and the relevant head of department, be allowed to take fundamental modules of the subsequent year, if he/she complies with all the prerequisites for the relevant modules. No adjustment to existing timetables will be allowed.

The following fundamental modules are relevant:

  • Department of Nursing Science: SLK 110, 120; FSG 251,252
  • Department of Physiotherapy: SOH 254; FSG 251, 252, 261, 262; SLK 210, ANP 210; GMB 252, 253, 254; FAR 381, 382
  • Department of Occupational Therapy: ZUL 110; SEP 110; SLK 210, 220; FSG 251, 252, 261, 262; ANP 210; RPD 481, GNK 286
  • Department of Human Nutrition: FLG 211, 212, 221, 222; BCM 251, 252, 261, 262; FAR 381, 382, VDS 322; VDB 321
  • Department of Radiography: FSG 251, 252, 262; GNK 286; ANP 210.

Practical/clinical/internship information

  1. The curriculum includes compulsory practical and clinical training modules, comprising a percentage of the total credits required for the successful completion of the programme.
  2. Students will be registered as student nurses at an approved teaching hospital (or hospitals) for the duration of their studies.
  3. Students will be required to visit clinics outside of the hospital as well as institutions where health services are provided.
  4. Clinical training will take place for the duration of studies at the facilities mentioned above.
  5. Students will be required to sign a contract of service with the approved teaching hospital (or hospitals) in question – information will be made available after successful application for admission.

Certain hospitals and healthcare facilities have been approved for the purposes of practical and clinical training in Fundamental Nursing Science, General Nursing Science, Psychiatric Nursing Science, Community Nursing Science and Midwifery.

Pass with distinction

The BNur degree is conferred with distinction on a student who has obtained:

  1. At least 75% in each of NPE  461, NPE  462 and NUR 456;
  2. A joint average of at least 75% in NUR  451 and NUR 452; and
  3. A joint average of at least 75% in DNP 451  and DNP 452.

Minimum credits: 120

Fundamental modules

  • Module content:

    Find, evaluate, process, manage and present information resources for academic purposes using appropriate technology.

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  • Module content:

    Apply effective search strategies in different technological environments. Demonstrate the ethical and fair use of information resources. Integrate 21st-century communications into the management of academic information.

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  • Module content:

    A systematic approach to Anatomy, including general terminology, embryology and osteology, with the use of wet specimens. Introductory histology includes cytology, the nucleus and cell division, epithelial tissue, general connective tissue, cartilage and bone.

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  • Module content:

    Anatomy of the appendicular skeleton
    A systematic approach to the Anatomy of the muscles, blood vessels, nerve supply, lymph drainage and joints of the upper and lower limbs, as well as surface anatomy, with the use of wet specimens. Introductory histology includes muscle tissue, nerve tissue, and blood and haemopoietic tissue.

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  • Module content:

    A systematic approach to the anatomy of the thorax and its contents, the abdomen and its contents and the pelvis and its contents (organs, vascular systems, nerve supply, lymph drainage, muscles and joints), as well as surface anatomy, with the use of wet specimens. Introductory histology includes the histology of the lungs, liver and kidneys.

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  • Module content:

    Anatomy of the head and neck, and neuroanatomy
    A systematic approach to the anatomy of the head and neck regions, the senses and the central and peripheral nervous system (cranial nerves, autonomic nervous system), as well as surface anatomy, with the use of wet specimens.

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  • Module content:

    Academic reading as well as academic writing and presentation skills, based on the approach followed in the healthcare sciences. *Presented to students in Health Sciences only.

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  • Module content:

    Study of specific language skills required in the Health Care Sciences, including interviewing and report-writing skills. *Presented to students in Health Sciences only.   (BCur, BDietetics, BOH, BOT, Brad, BPhysT)*

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  • Module content:

    Introduction to physiological principles; neurophysiology, and muscle physiology.

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  • Module content:

    Body fluids; haematology; cardiovascular physiology, lymphatic system, and body defence mechanisms.

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  • Module content:

    The acquisition of a basic medical orientated vocabulary compiled from Latin and Greek stem forms combined with prefixes and suffixes derived from those languages. The manner in which the meanings of medical terms can be determined by analysing the terms into their recognisable meaningful constituent parts, is taught and exercised. The functional use of medical terms in context as practical outcome of terminological application is continually attended to.

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  • Module content:

    *For absolute beginners only.
    *Only students from the School of Healthcare Sciences may take this module during semester 2. All other students must  take this module during semester 1. Also note that students from the School of Healthcare Sciences, who already possess the language skills taught in this module, may write an exemption examination.
    The acquisition of basic Sepedi communicative skills with emphasis on everyday expressions and suitable high frequency vocabulary, within specific social situations.

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  • Module content:

    *For absolute beginners only
    *Only students from the School of Healthcare Sciences may take this module during semester 2. All other students must take this module during semester 1. Students from the School of Healthcare Sciences, who already possess the language skills taught in this module, may write an exemption examination.
    The acquisition of basic isiZulu communicative skills with emphasis on everyday expressions and suitable high frequency vocabulary, within specific situations.

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Core modules

  • Module content:

    Intra and interpersonal dimensions of the nurse.
    Self-discovery, self-disclosure and self-awareness, professional socialisation and self-development. Self-evaluation and own journal assessment. Compilation of a personal portfolio. Interpersonal communication and contact: from the self to relationships. Therapeutic use of the self. The therapeutic milieu. Contemporary dilemmas of identity. The multiple self and multiple realities. Communication skills: a communication model for nursing. Management of conflict. Day planning and time management. Development of a personal philosophy. Problem-solving and critical thinking skills.
    NB: Only for selected BCur students.

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  • Module content:

    Assessment skills (including the assessment interview, assessment of mental needs, basic examination skills and vital signs), compilation of a database and needs list and the prioritisation of needs. Application of the scientific approach to nursing.
    NB: Only for selected BCur students.

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  • Module content:

    Nursing management of emergency situations and disasters in the community. The need for emergency care. Provision of emergency medical services. The impact of emergency situations and disasters on the community. Unique needs in situations of exceptional distress. First aid and basic pre-hospital emergency care. Psychiatric emergencies: suicide risk, aggression, self-destructive behaviour and emotional trauma.
    NB: Only for selected BCur students.

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  • Module content:

    Nursing facilitation of health promotion and illness prevention.
    The Primary health care (PHC) approach and its underlying principles. Health promotion as part of the PHC approach. Models and approaches, planning and implementation of health promotion and illness prevention programmes. Health screening and its relevant assessment skills. Educational skills and the health service consumer in the teaching-learning situation. Disability and rehabilitation care as preventative and health promotive modality. The principles underlying rehabilitation care. Evaluation of health promotion and illness prevention programmes. Promotion of mental well-being: stress, conflict, substance abuse, violence and physical abuse.
    NB: Only for selected BCur students.

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  • Module content:

    Clinical learning experiences and laboratory work:  these modules comprise 240 hours of compulsory clinical practical and laboratory work each (per semester). Students will complete these modules in specified healthcare units.
    NB: Only selected BCur students may register for this module.

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  • Module content:

    Clinical learning experiences and laboratory  work: these modules comprise 240 hours of compulsory clinical practical and laboratory work each (per semester). Students will complete these modules in specified healthcare units.
    NB: Only selected BCur students may register for this module.

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  • Module content:

    Fundamentals of nursing science
    Introduction and concept clarification: nursing, nursing science, health and illness. Approaches to nursing and perspectives on human beings and their world. The art and science of nursing. Philosophical foundations of nursing. Overview of the history of nursing. Aspects of professional practice. The scientific approach to nursing. Human needs as the basis for nursing practice. The wellness-illness continuum.
    NB: Only selected BCur students may register for this module.

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  • Module content:

    Human needs and development in health and illness.
    Humans as biological, psychological and spiritual beings within socio-economic and cultural contexts. Basic needs: nutrition, comfort and activity, rest and sleep, elimination, hygiene, oxygen, learning, sensory and interpersonal, pain management, safety, homeostasis, growth and development, medication needs, spiritual needs and the need for a dignified death. Self-image, own identity and self-actualisation. Relevant aspects of human nutrition. Human developmental stages and the unique needs associated with each stage.
    NB: Only selected BCur students may register for this module.

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  • Module content:

    Environment, society and communities and its influence on nursing science.
    The environment as determinant of health and wellness. Environmental hygiene. Societal and community phenomena, sectors, stratification and institutions. Marginalised communities in South Africa. The impact of disease on families, communities and society. Community-based health services and the role of the hospital as community institution.
    NB: Only selected BCur students may register for this module.

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  • Module content:

    Provision of health care to communities and the nursing management of minor ailments.
    Comprehensive health care and the multidisciplinary team approach. Community involvement and participation in the provision of health services. Community empowerment. Introduction to public health and systems of health care. Care of the elderly. Selected minor ailments of the upper respiratory tract, oral cavity and skin: earache, sore throat, colds and flu, sinusitis, tonsillitis, halitosis and oral and integumentary health.
    NB: Only selected BCur students may register for this module.

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Minimum credits: 120

Fundamental modules

  • Module content:

    Structure, gas exchange and secretory functions of the lungs; structure, excretory and non-urinary functions of the kidneys, acid-base balance, and skin and body temperature control. Practical work to complement the theory.

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  • Module content:

    Nutrition, digestion and metabolism, hormonal control of body functions, and the reproductive systems. Practical work to complement the theory.

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  • Module content:

    Infection, immunity and basic bacteriology.
    Introduction and basic principles of infection, sterilisation and the immune system. Bacterial cells and the classification of disease-causing bacteria.

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  • Module content:

    Systemic bacteriology.
    Commonly occurring bacterial infections and the bacteria that cause them.

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  • Module content:

    Fungi, parasitology and virology.
    Commonly occurring fungal, viral and parasite infections and infestations, and the organisms that cause them.

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  • Module content:

    This module introduces the student to a basic knowledge and understanding of the biological basis of human behaviour. The module addresses the key concepts and terminology related to the biological subsystem, the rules and principles guiding biological psychology, and identification of the interrelatedness of different biological systems and subsystems. In this module various cognitive processes are studied, including perception, memory, thinking, intelligence and creativity. Illustrations are given of various thinking processes, such as problem solving, critical, analytic and integrative thinking.

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Core modules

  • Module content:

    Nurse-therapeutic contexts.
    Ethical-legal aspects and health policy regarding mental illness. Organisation and institutions in psychiatric health care. Theoretical foundations of psychiatric nursing practice. The DSM classification system of mental disorders.
    NB: Only for selected BCur students.

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  • Module content:

    Acute and chronic mental disorders.
    Nursing process applied in the psychiatric context. Psychopathology, abnormal and deviant behaviour. Common mental disorders: schizophrenia, affective, cognitive and anxiety disorders.
    NB: Only for selected BCur students.

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  • Module content:

    Nurse-therapeutic conversations, group therapy and comprehensive care.
    Individual therapy: Facilitative communication and the one-to-one relationship.
    Group: the group process, group dynamics, leadership and leadership functions and relevant assessment skills. Mental health education. Therapeutic milieu.
    NB: Only for selected BCur students.

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  • Module content:

    Therapeutic skills, mentally challenged and cultural issues.
    Crisis intervention. Loss and grieving process. Mentally challenged individuals. Cultural sensitivity in mental health nursing.
    NB: Only for selected BCur students.

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  • Module content:

    Clinical learning experiences and laboratory work: these modules comprise 240 hours of compulsory clinical practical and laboratory work each (per semester). Students will complete these modules in specified healthcare units.
    NB: Only selected BCur students may register for this module.

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  • Module content:

    Clinical learning experiences and laboratory work: these modules comprise 240 hours of compulsory clinical practical and laboratory work each (per semester). Students will complete these modules in specified healthcare units.
    NB: Only selected BCur students may register for this module.

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  • Module content:

    Introduction to medical-surgical and trauma nursing science.
    The medical and surgical approach to health care. Acute versus chronic illness. The influence of disease and hospitalisation on the adult health service consumer. Aspects of professional practice. Relevant assessment skills. Aspects of trauma nursing. Applied human nutrition. Intrinsic and extrinsic causes of disease. Cellular stressors, adaptive processes, abnormal cellular growth, cell damage, repair and cell death. Neoplasia and tumor pathology. General disturbances of homeostasis. Introduction to genetics and inheritance of disease. Aspects of medical emergency nursing.
    NB: Only selected BCur students may register for this module.

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  • Module content:

    Surgical nursing science.
    Comprehensive perioperative nursing of patients with common surgical health problems of injuries related to the musculo-skeletal, neurological, gastro-intestinal and respiratory system, the eye and reproductive health. Relevant assessment skills. Soft tissue injuries, surgical wounds and wound care techniques: wounds and wound healing, relevant assessment skills, aseptic wound care procedures (principles and techniques), modern wound care products and evidence-based practice, traumatic wounds (including burn trauma) and chronic wounds. Applied human nutrition. Inflammation, infection and necrosis.
    NB: Only selected BCur students may register for this module.

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  • Module content:

    Medical nursing science.
    Comprehensive medical nursing of patients with common medical health problems related to the respiratory, neurological, digestive, renal, endocrine and cardiovascular system, acute poisoning, cancer and haematological problems (anaemia and leukaemia) and metabolic disturbances. Disturbances of circulation and oedema formation. Overview of hypersensitivity reactions and auto-immune disorders. Examples from the clinical practice of nursing. Relevant assessment skills. Applied human nutrition.
    NB: Only selected BCur students may register for this module.

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  • Module content:

    Principles of child health nursing science.
    Unique needs during the childhood years. Common childhood health problems: respiratory, cardiovascular and pain management, diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting, malnutrition and failure to thrive. Applied human nutrition. The effects of hospitalisation on children and their families. Therapeutic play and support of the child and nurse-therapeutic interventions with children. The unique world of the sick child and alternative approaches to illness through play therapy. Aspects of paediatric emergency nursing.
    NB: Only selected BCur students may register for this module.

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  • Module content:

    Principles, perspectives, ethical-legal consideration and legislation relating to integrative health care, traditional healing in Africa, healing modalities related to natural and manual complementary therapies, nutritional and medicinal importance of indigenous plants.
    NB: Only selected BCur students may register for this module.

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Minimum credits: 132

Fundamental modules

  • Module content:

    Introduction, receptors, antagonism, kinetic principles, drugs that impact upon the autonomic and central nervous system, pharmacotherapy of hypertension, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, heart failure, arrhythmias, and epilepsy. Diuretics, glucocorticosteroids, local anaesthetics, anaesthetic drugs, analgesics, iron and vitamins, oncostatics and immuno suppressants.

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  • Module content:

    Hormones, drugs that act on the histaminergic, serotonergic, and dopaminergic receptors. Pharmacotherapy of diabetes mellitus, schizophrenia, depression, obesity, anxiety, insomnia, gastro-intestinal diseases. Anticoagulants, antimicrobial drugs.

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Core modules

  • Module content:

    Comprehensive family nursing.
    Family life and family dynamics. Alternative families and lifestyles. Perspectives and approaches to comprehensive nursing care and support of families. Family violence and pathology. Marriage counselling and family therapy. Families in the perinatal period: unique needs and support (including basic antenatal and postnatal care).
    NB: Only for selected BCur students.

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  • Module content:

    Comprehensive community nursing.
    Perspectives and approaches to comprehensive nursing care and support of communities. Relevant statutory control over primary health care (PHC) practices in South Africa. Relevant assessment skills. Sexually transmitted infections and communicable diseases. Therapeutic support of the community. Rehabilitative support of communities in need. Emphasis is placed on the facilitation and support of self-care related to physical, mental and environmental health and well-being.
    NB: Only for selected BCur students.

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  • Module content:

    NOTE: DNP 353 must be completed after DNP 354.
    Principles of patient care management.
    Planning, organising, leading and control in areas of direct patient care. Management in the rendering of patient care. Co-ordination of the multi- and transdisciplinary programme of treatment and rehabilitation. Aspects of professional practice. Introduction to labour law. Inspections of nursing and patient care units. The clinical practice setting as a teaching-learning situation and the principles of adult learning.
    NB: Only for selected BCur students.

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  • Module content:

    Note: DNP 354 must be completed prior to DNP 353.
    Primary curative nursing for common and uncomplicated disease conditions.
    Common and uncomplicated health problems related to the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, neurological, musculo-skeletal and genito-urinary system and infectious diseases of infancy and childhood, adulthood and the elderly. Complaints of the eyes. Musculoskeletal pain/dysfunction and non-traumatic bone/joint pain. Relevant assessment skills. Applied human nutrition.
    NB: Only for selected BCur students.

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  • Module content:

    Note: NPE 361assessment for semester mark:
    General nursing science 60%, midwifery 20% and psychiatry 20%.
    Final assessment: General nursing science 30% midwifery 20% psychiatry 20%, community 30%. 
    Clinical learning experiences and laboratory work: these modules comprise 300 hours of compulsory clinical practical work and laboratory work each (per semester). Students will complete these modules in specified healthcare units.
    NB: Only selected BCur students may register for this module.

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  • Module content:

    NB: NPE 362 semester mark:
    General nursing science 20%, midwifery 40%, community/PHC 20%, management 20%.
    Final assessment: General nursing science comprehensive assessment 80%. (Pharmacology, management, general nursing science and PHC) and midwifery OSCE 20%.
    Clinical learning experiences and laboratory work: these modules comprise 300 hours of compulsory clinical practical work and laboratory work each (per semester). Students will complete these modules in specified healthcare units.
    NB: Only selected BCur students may register for this module.

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  • Module content:

    Gender health nursing sciences.
    Male gender health nursing. Female gender health nursing. Family planning (contraception, infertility and preconception care). Sexual development and sexual needs, gender relationships and gender issues, role identity and role conflict. Sexual deviance and sexual abuse. Violence against women and children.
    NB: Only selected BCur students may register for this module.

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  • Module content:

    Midwifery science: accompaniment during pregnancy.
    Overview of the perinatal period. Embryology and foetal growth and development. The normal pregnancy, unique needs of the pregnant woman and low-risk antenatal care. Relevant assessment skills. Applied human nutrition.
    NB: Only selected BCur students may register for this module.

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  • Module content:

    Midwifery science: accompaniment during normal childbirth and puerperium.
    The course of the intrapartum period, related needs and low-risk postnatal care. Relevant assessment skills. Applied human nutrition.
    NB: Only selected BCur students may register for this module.

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  • Module content:

    Midwifery science: high-risk pregnancy.
    Maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality and notification. Risk assessment of mother and foetus. Relevant assessment skills. Nursing care related to specific health needs and problems during the antenatal period.
    NB: Only selected BCur students may register for this module.

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Minimum credits: 144

Core modules

  • Module content:

    Principles of nursing management and professional leadership in clinical nursing practice.
    Applied principles of general management, human resources management, marketing and public relations and financial management. Leadership and leadership development: perspectives, trends and contemporary practice issues. Principles of management in selected emergency situations. Labour law and labour relations.
    NB: Only for selected BCur students.

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  • Module content:

    Principles of professional practice,  nursing staff development and teaching in clinical nursing practice.
    Nursing science, ethics and the law. Contemporary practice issues derived from the ethos and professional practice of nursing. Professional self-regulation and the organised nursing profession. Private nursing practice. Planning, implementation and evaluation of clinical teaching and in-service training programmes, continuing professional development and life-long learning.
    NB: Only for selected BCur students.

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  • Module content:

    Clinical learning experiences and laboratory work: this module comprises 500 hours of compulsory clinical practical and laboratory work each (per semester). Students will complete this module in specified healthcare units.
    NB: Only selected BCur students may register for this module.

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  • Module content:

    Clinical learning experiences and laboratory work: this module comprises 500 hours of compulsory clinical practical work and laboratory work each (per semester). Students will complete this module in specified healthcare units.
    NB: Only selected BCur students may register for this module.

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  • Module content:

    Midwifery science: High-risk childbirth.
    Abnormal course of the intrapartum period, related needs and management. Foetal monitoring. Rupture of membranes, pre-term and post-term labour. Obstetric injuries and emergencies. Nurse-therapeutic support during the lived experience of high-risk pregnancy and pregnancy-related complications. Relevant assessment skills.
    NB: Only selected BCur students may register for this module.

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  • Module content:

    Midwifery science: High-risk puerperium and the high-risk neonate.
    High-risk post-natal care. Characteristics and needs of the neonates. Principles of nursing care in respect of healthy and sick or high-risk neonates. Comprehensive nursing of neonates with specific problems. Relevant assessment skills. Applied human nutrition.
    NB: Only selected BCur students may register for this module.

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  • Module content:

    Research in healthcare sciences:
    •  Understanding the importance of evidence-based clinical practice.
    •  Understanding the research process and general approaches to research.
    •  Knowledge of the methodologies commonly used in healthcare sciences.
    •  Reading and critiquing published research.
    •  Writing a literature review.
    •  Understanding and respecting research ethics and the criteria for good quality

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Elective modules

  • Module content:

    Nursing elective.
    An approved elective, chosen in consultation with the head of the department.
    •    Themes from community nursing science and primary health care
    •    Themes from psychiatric nursing science and therapeutic conversations
    •    Themes from general medical nursing science
    •    Themes from general surgical nursing science
    •    Themes from hospital-based midwifery science
    The availability of electives will depend on student interest and the availability of staff and training facilities. Students need to enquire about prospective electives before registering for this module.
    Ten (10) credits of the above elective should include content on research-based practice (or a research project), contemporary practice issues, international nursing studies and ethical and legal aspects of health care practice within the chosen elective.
    NB: Only selected BCur students may register for this module.

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