
Thesis: Archaeology 990

Modulekode AGL 990
Kwalifikasie Postgraduate
Fakulteit Faculty of Humanities

A comprehensive and original contribution to archaeological knowledge based on an approved research proposal and ethical clearance. The research must be expert and show the ability to work within and beyond disciplinary boundaries. Thesis must be between 50 000–100 000 words and must substantively advance the state of knowledge in the discipline. The thesis must show mastery over advanced field and analytical techniques as well as sophisticated grasp and application of relevant archaeological theory. The entire project must be institutionally, socially and intellectually accountable, demonstrating an advanced grasp of what conducting archaeological research in a postcolonial context entails.

Modulekrediete 360.00
Prerequisites No prerequisites.
Language of tuition Module is presented in English
Department Anthropology and Archaeology
Period of presentation Year

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