Programme: BAdmin Public Administration

Kindly take note of the disclaimer regarding qualifications and degree names.
Code Faculty
07131174 Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences
Credits Duration
Minimum duration of study: 3 years Total credits: 362
Prof LP Malan
[email protected]
+27 (0)124202063

Programme information

Please note: There will be no intake for this plan in 2019.

Formal selection takes place and work experience is required.

The option is directed towards the candidates already active within the field of public administration. Candidates from national, provincial and local spheres of government will obtain entry into the programme. Candidates will gain in-depth knowledge of the administrative and management functions, from a South African and comparative perspective. Emphasis is placed on the three spheres of government with reference to aspects such as public resources management, policy studies, public sector ethics, organisation studies and the role of the state.

Admission requirements

  • National Senior Certificate with admission to degree studies 
  • Departmental Selection
  • Three years' working experience

Other programme-specific information

Note: See the alphabetical list of modules for prerequisites of all modules.

Specialisation modules: PAD 312, 322

"Major subject"
To be considered a "major subject" the equivalent of four 14-week modules, including two at 300-level, must be passed provided that:

  • the following modules which are offered at 300-level only, are also considered "major subjects": Labour law 311 (ABR 311), Labour relations 320 (ABV 320), and International business management 359 and 369 (OBS 359 and 369);
  • only two 14-week modules, or the equivalent thereof, that are not preceded by the 100- and  200-level modules, may be taken for degree purposes. In other words, at least four 14-week modules must be taken at 300-level that are preceded by the 100- and 200-level, except for modules offered on 200- and 300-level only.

Promotion to next study year

According to General Regulation G.3 students have to comply with certain requirements as set by the Faculty Board.

  1. A student must pass at least 4 core semester or 2 core year modules to be admitted to the subsequent year of study.
  2. If a student has passed less than the required minimum of 4 core semester or 2 core year modules, he/she will not be readmitted to the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Such a student may apply in writing to the Faculty's Admissions Committee to be readmitted conditionally – with the proviso that the Admissions Committee may set further conditions with regards to the student's academic progress. The Faculty's Admissions Committee may deny a student's application for readmission.
  3. If a student has been readmitted conditionally, his/her academic progress will be monitored after the first semester examinations to determine whether he/she has complied with the requirements set by the Admissions Committee. If not, his/her studies will be suspended.
  4. A student whose studies have been suspended because of his/her poor academic performance has the right to appeal against the decision of the Faculty's Admissions Committee.
  5. A student may be refused promotion to a subsequent year of study if the prescribed tuition fees are not paid.
  6. A student may be refused admission to the examination, or promotion to a subsequent year of study or promotion in a module (if applicable) if he/ she fails to fulfil the attendance requirements. Class attendance in all modules and for the full duration of all programmes is compulsory for all students.

Pass with distinction

  1. A degree may be awarded with distinction provided the candidate meets the following criteria:
  1. Completes the degree within three years;
  2. Obtains a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 75%;
  3. Repeated passed modules will not be considered. The initial pass mark of module will be used when calculating the GPA.
  1. A degree will only be awarded with distinction to transferees from other degrees in the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences, other faculties and from other universities who still complete their bachelor degrees within three years (including the years registered for the other degree and credits transferred and recognised).
  2. The GPA will be not be rounded up to a whole number.
  3. Exceptional cases will be considered by the Dean.

General information

Minimum requirements for bachelor's degrees; semester and year modules; new regulations

  1. Students who commenced their studies before 2015 must complete the programme in terms of the curriculum of the year in which they commenced their studies, or in terms of the curriculum of the year in which they switched to their current field of specialisation. Students who prefer to do so may, however, apply to change over to the latest curriculum, but then they should comply with all the requirements thereof and they may not revert to the regulations of an earlier year.
  2. Students who are registering for a degree programme for the first time from 2015 onward must take the modules indicated under the particular field of specialisation.

Please note: Only two 14-week modules, or the equivalent thereof, that are not preceded by the 100- and 200-level modules, may be taken for degree purposes. In other words, at least four 14-week modules must be taken at 300-level that are preceded by the 100- and 200-level, except for modules offered on 200- and 300-level only.
It is thus the responsibility of students to ensure before registration, that their curricula comply with all the requirements of the applicable regulations.

Minimum credits: 124

This three-year programme is offered in block release sessions to accomodate the working individual in the public sector.

Fundamental modules

Core modules

  • Module content:

    *Only available to BAdmin in Public Management (Option: Public Administration) students.
    Development of organisation theory – from classical to contemporary theories. Organisation structure and design. Implementation of organisational functions including departmentalisation, coordination, span of control, unity of command, centralisation and decentralisation, authority and control. Public organisational dynamics and behaviour including establishing the organisational culture, individual differences in the workplace, motivating the public sector employee, group and team dynamics, communication, power and empowerment and public leadership skills.

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  • Module content:

    *Only available to BAdmin in Public Management (Option: Public Administration) students.
    Development of management and public management. Importance of and need for effective management. Management theories. Public management environment. Public leadership theories. Leadership challenges. Creating an enabling public leadership environment.

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  • Module content:

    This module in public administration is designed specifically to assist students in understanding the role of public administration in a modern state, the unique characteristics of public administration, the schools and approaches in public administration and introducing the various generic administrative functions. The discipline of public administration has developed rapidly and by implication, has changed and shifted its paradigm over the years. The purpose of this module is to introduce public administration to the student as a field of study that makes a significant contribution to the effective administration and management of government institutions.

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  • Module content:

    This module in public administration will introduce the constitutional framework pertaining to public administration. The South African system of government, the functions, role and powers of the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government as well as the functioning of the three spheres of government will be discussed. The module will enable the student to understand how and where public administration is practiced.

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  • Module content:

    The nature and role of public policy and decision making. Theories and models for public policy-making, implementation and analysis. Public policy design and policy decision making. Role players and stakeholders in public policy-making , implementation and analysis.

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  • Module content:

    *Only available to BAdmin in Public Management (Option: Public Administration) students.
    Use and design of public management information systems. Knowledge management. E-governance as an alternative service delivery strategy. Digitalisation of government in South Africa.

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  • Module content:

    *Only available to BAdmin in Public Management (Option: Public Administration) students.
    The foundations and legislative framework for public people management. Strategic human resource planning and utilisation. Management of diversity, equity, gender and disability in the public sector. Maximising public acquisition strategies. Human capital development in the public sector.

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Minimum credits: 120

Core modules

  • Module content:

    *Only available to BAdmin in Public Management (Option: Public Administration) students.
    Public management functions including planning, organising, leading and control. Public management challenges in the South African public sector. The role of the public sector junior and senior manager in a developmental landscape.

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  • Module content:

    This module in public administration constitutes an in-depth analysis of the generic administrative functions, including, policy making, organising, financing, staffing and control. Students will thus be equipped with knowledge and skills related to government strategic planning, policy-making and decision-making, budgeting, public procurement, human resource management functions and employment legislation impacting on human resources within public organisations.

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  • Module content:

    This module in public administration introduces the student to the process of planning, executing and evaluating research in the public sector. Students will be enabled to identify, plan, execute and present a research project. This is a service learning module and as such students will be expected to complete approximately 15 hours service learning and submit a portfolio as part of their formal assessment.

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  • Module content:

    *Only available to BAdmin in Public Management (Option: Public Administration) students. 
    Concepts, aims and principles of public finance. Government and the distribution of income. Role players in financial resource management. Different budgetary systems. Governmental budget organisation, preparing government budget and managing the budget. Intergovernmental fiscal relations. Structures established to promote financial intergovernmental relations.

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  • Module content:

    *Only available to BAdmin in Public Management (Option: Public Administration) students.
    Public procurement and supply chain management. Financial controls and fiscal reporting. Financial accountability and responsibility. Institutions established to promote financial accountability in the public sector.

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  • Module content:

    *Only available to BAdmin in Public Management (Option: Public Administration) students. 
    Maximising public performance and productivity. Managing public employees through appropriate communication, conflict- and diveristy management and employee health strategies. Labour relations in the public sector. Performance management and appraisal.

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Minimum credits: 120

Core modules

  • Module content:

    *Only available to BAdmin in Public Management (Option: Public Administration) students.
    Students are exposed to specific modern public management techniques aimed at effective management and performance, including business process re-engineering, total quality management and service orientation. The focus is on quantitative techniques such as decision trees, scheduling, controlling charts, simulation and network techniques, as well as on qualitative techniques such as think tanks, task teams and management by exception. Building an innovative public sector organisation - the reengineering approach to management. Total Quality Management.

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  • Module content:

    This module in public administration is designed specifically to assist students to have a better understanding regarding the depth, origin and development of ethics in public service and administration. The emphasis here is on building responsive public servants whose duties and responsibilities do not only encourage the effective and efficient functioning of public organisations in an aim to facilitate better service delivery to all, but also apply ethical personal and organisational codes and standards in their daily operational activities. The purpose of this module is to enable the student to apply, synthesise and abstract theory into practice for a better public service of the future.

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  • Module content:

    This module on public administration is designed to broaden the view of students on the understanding of the origin and development of administrative systems. The emphasis is on the practical application of knowledge to problems of developing societies. Increasing global interdependence require scholarly interest in comparative public administration. A motivating force for comparative Public administration is the search for discovering regularities in administrative processes and behaviours throughout the human experience, irrespective of place and time.

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  • Module content:

    *Only available to BAdmin in Public Management (Option: Public Administration) students. 
    Work-integrated learning module. Students are assessed at their workplace and are required to hand in a portfolio of evidence as part of their assessment. The module is aimed at assessing the skills that students have  acquired throughout their previous years of study.

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  • Module content:

    *Only available to BAdmin in Public Management (Option: Public Administration) students. 
    The module is aimed at enabling students to demonstrate their competence in the use of project management for strategic goal achievement. The emphasis of the module is on detailing the project management context and cycle, focusing on project implementation and evaluation. Assessing the success and value of the project management process. Conceptualising project management in the public sector.

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The information published here is subject to change and may be amended after the publication of this information. The General Regulations (G Regulations) apply to all faculties of the University of Pretoria. It is expected of students to familiarise themselves well with these regulations as well as with the information contained in the General Rules section. Ignorance concerning these regulations and rules will not be accepted as an excuse for any transgression.

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