
Programme: MPhil Economics (Coursework)

Kindly take note of the disclaimer regarding qualifications and degree names.
Code Faculty
07255171 Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences
Credits Duration
Minimum duration of study: 1 year Total credits: 210
Miss SC Magwaza
[email protected]
+27 (0)124202423

Programme information

The MPhil in Economics programme is designed to prepare students to enter into a research-based PhD degree programme in Economics. The programme focuses primarily on the core microeconomic and macroeconomic theory principles, as well as the theoretical econometric fundamentals necessary for the student to understand the extant economic literature and to contribute to the international economic debate.

Admission requirements

  •  Relevant BCom Honours degree or Postgraduate Diploma with an average of at least 65%.


Additional requirements

  • A candidate may be refused admission to a master’s degree by the postgraduate committee of the department if he/she does not comply with the standard of competence in the subject as determined by the department – with the proviso that a candidate who does not comply with the required level of competence, may be admitted, provided that he/she completes additional study assignments and/or examinations.
  • The postgraduate committee of department concerned may set additional admission requirements. 
  • Specific departments have specific requirements for admission. 
  • The number of students will be determined in line with the growth strategy of the University of Pretoria as approved by the Executive. However, a candidate may also be refused admission by the postgraduate committee of the department if the department does not have adequate capacity to instruct and supervise the student. Students are encouraged to check the department’s website for the most up-to-date information or to inquire with the department.
  • Allowance will be made for the diversity profile of students.

Capacity limitations

  • The supervision of postgraduate students is a time-consuming process, and, therefore, the Department reserves the right to limit entry into programmes.
  • Please consult the Department for the most recent information on enrolment expectations.
  • All reasonable measures will be taken to ensure that those students who meet the minimum requirements, are enrolled.
  • In the event that departmental capacity cannot accommodate the number of students who meet the minimum requirements, the students will be ranked according to the above averages, and only the top performing students will be admitted to the programme, in accordance with the number of students that the departmental teaching capacity and supervision can accommodate.

Other programme-specific information

EBW 801 is a prerequisite for the mini-dissertation (EKN 895). Although the module does not carry any credits, the module mark makes up 20% of the mini-dissertation mark.

The Department of Economics is serious about the need to develop students from previously disadvantaged backgrounds, and accepts that it has a responsibility to provide its own students with a seamless educational experience.

Examinations and pass requirements

The pass mark for both a dissertation and a mini-dissertation is 50%. The provisions regarding pass requirements for dissertations, contained in General Regulation G.12.2, apply mutatis mutandis to mini-dissertations. A pass mark of at least 50% is required in the examination of each module.

Research information

The weight of the mini-dissertation (EKN 895) contributes 57% towards the total requirements for the degree. Where possible, the mini-dissertation for the MPhil should be a fully-fledged PhD proposal.

Dissertations/mini-dissertations/research reports, curricula and modules

  1. The degree programme requires that a dissertation/mini-dissertation/research article must be submitted in a field of study chosen from the fields covered for the honours degree, provided that the Dean may, on the recommendation of the relevant head of department, approve the replacement of the required dissertation by the successful completion of a prescribed number of module credits and a mini-dissertation/research article.
  2. Information on modules, credits and syllabi is available, on request, from the relevant head of department and the postgraduate committee.
  3. A module in Research Methodology is compulsory in the programme, although it is incorporated into the mini-dissertation mark. The Dean may, on the recommendation of the relevant head of department, waive the prerequisites.
  4. Sufficient number of bound copies of the thesis/dissertation must be submitted to the Head: Student Administration for examination, after permission is granted by the supervisor. The mini-dissertation should be written in consultation with the supervisor, and is to be submitted either by December 15 to graduate in April or May 31 to graduate in September. The mini-dissertation should be submitted to the postgraduate administrator in the department, and should be submitted with the approval of the supervisor. If the supervisor does not approve, the student should approach the postgraduate committee of the department. That committee will make a final recommendation on submission.

Article for publication
There is no expectation that an article be published from the research conducted in the mini-dissertation. Students interested in pursuing a PhD, however, should work with their supervisor to submit an article.

Core modules

  • Module content:

    • Developing the background to a research problem, and developing a problem statement and propositions and hypotheses relevant to their study.
    • Compiling a thorough literature review of the topics they intend to study.
    • Approaches to research: An overview of the different approaches to research (qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods) and the philosophical approaches that underpin them (positivism, post-positivism, interpretivism, constructivism, critical theory and pragmatism).  
    • Different research designs in quantitative and qualitative methods, and appropriate sampling approaches for the different research designs.
    • Qualitative research methodology: An overview of qualitative methods for organisational research. An overview of the different methodologies on a continuum between modernistic qualitative and post-modernistic qualitative research.  
    • Quantitative research methodology

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  • Module content:

    The module will first expose students to knowledge related to how individual consumers and firms behave under a very strict set of circumstances.  Toward the end of the semester, the module will then begin to examine behaviour under less strict assumptions.  The module covers in detail, firm behaviour, consumer behaviour, general equilibrium, behaviour under uncertainty and risk, strategic behaviour, information, game theory and to a lesser extent, the interaction between the government and the individual.

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  • Module content:

    The basic framework for this module will be infinitely-lived dynamic stochastic and non-stochastic macro models in both discrete and continuous time frames. Overlapping generation models will also be used to deal with certain topics. Topics include:
    • The Lucas Critique
    • Growth models
    • Expectations
    • Business cycles
    • Basics of a new Keynesian business cycle model
    • Overlapping generations models

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  • Module content:

    The module is devoted to microeconomic theory, and the relevant econometric theory needed to apply that theory to data that is readily available. Students will be expected to read a broad selection of published papers, learn about recent advances in both theory and econometrics, and start writing their own microeconomic research. Students will be graded through coursework and tests, as well as on their research.

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  • Module content:

    The module is devoted to macroeconomic theory, and the relevant econometric theory needed to apply that theory to data that is readily available. Students will be expected to read a broad selection of published papers, learn about recent advances in both theory and econometrics, and start writing their own macroeconomic research. Students will be graded through coursework and tests, as well as on their research.

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  • Module content:

    In this module,  “panel data” refers to the pooling of observations on a cross-section of countries, households, firms, etc. over a number of time periods.  We use panel data techniques for example to control for individual heterogeneity or to study the dynamics of adjustment.  Panel data allows for more informative results, more variability, more degrees of freedom and more efficiency. This module focuses on statistical theory and empirical estimation, interpretation and evaluation of economic relationships, within a panel data context.  The module covers both techniques applicable to stationary and non-stationary panel data sets, and begins with an introduction to one-way error component models (either including individual-specific or period-specific (time) effects), followed by two-way error component models (including individual-specific and time effects simultaneously).  Estimation techniques include fixed effects (LSDV or “Within” estimation) and random effects estimation.  Hypothesis testing includes tests for poolability (pooled vs. individual regressions), tests for fixed effects, random effects, and specification (exogeneity of the X-regressors).  It also includes various tests for serial correlation and heteroscedasticity and the correction thereof.  The section on stationary panel data techniques concludes with a discussion of seemingly unrelated regression (SUR) models. In the non-stationary panel data section we discuss unit root testing in the panel context, estimation of non-stationary panels and tests for co integration.

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Elective modules

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