
Program: MPhil

Kindly take note of the disclaimer regarding qualifications and degree names.
Code Faculty
04250004 Fakulteit Regsgeleerdheid
Credits Duration
Minimum duur van studie: 2 jaar Totale krediete: 200


Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.

If admitted, a student can register immediately for the MPhil programme. The following two or three modules must be registered for and completed within one year of registration:

1. Research methodology (RHP 802) offered by the Faculty of Law.
(If the student can show sufficient evidence of competence in research skills required at postgraduate level the Postgraduate Committee of the Faculty of Law on recommendation of the supervisor, may exempt the  student from this module.)

2. Research proposal and oral defence of the research proposal (RHP 804).
An oral defence of the research proposal including an assessment of the feasibility of the dissertation statement, research question or questions and argument to be developed in the MPhil dissertation is required. A draft research proposal including a bibliography that covers the main fields to be covered by the study, the dissertation statement, research question or questions and argument must be sent to the examination panel three weeks prior to the oral defence. (Such a draft research proposal must first be approved by the supervisor.) The student must convince the adjudicating panel of the feasibility of the topic and his or her knowledge of the research subject and ability to conduct the research. Where required by the panel, the draft proposal must be further reworked in light of the comments at the oral defence and a final proposal submitted to the satisfaction of the supervisor before the student may embark on the writing of the dissertation. (No exemption can be granted from this requirement.)

A student who does not complete the abovementioned two modules within one year of registration may be excluded from the Faculty and if he/she seeks readmission to the Faculty, may submit a written request to the Dean that his/her application for readmission to the Faculty be considered in terms of the set procedure.

3. Structured research proposal preparation (RHP 806) (non-credit-bearing)
The supervisor may prescribe that a particular student must follow a structured programme to be determined by the supervisor and approved by the Postgraduate Committee. The supervisor may also set the requirements, as approved by the Postgraduate Committee, for complying with the module.


Toelatingsvereistes en beperking van studentegetalle

Ten minste ? honneursgraad in ? akademiese dissipline toepaslik tot wetlike aspekte in Suid-Afrika of Afrika asook die inhoud van die spesifieke MPhil (gedoseerde) program.
Enige ander kwalifikasie in ? akademiese dissipline,  toepaslik op wetlike aspekte in Suid-Afrika of Afrika asook die inhoud van die spesifieke MPhil (gedoseerde) program,  wat toelating tot ? magisterprogram moontlik maak aan die instelling waar die voorgraadse kwalifikasie behaal is. Indien die duur van die kwalifikasie minder as vier jaar is, sou aansienlik bewese praktiese of professionele ervaring in wetlike aspekte in Suid-Afrika of Afrika verder vereis word, onderhewig aan die diskresie van die Dekaan.

 ? Kandidaat vir die MPhil-program moet ? geskrewe portefeulje indien wat bestaan uit onlangse navorsingsgebaseerde skripsies, werkopdragte of soortgelyk asook ? motiveringsbrief en voorlopige navorsingsvoorstel (500 woorde beskrywing van die voorgestelde navorsingsveld wat ? navorsingstema, die breë omvang van die studie en ? tentatiewe navorsingsprobleem aandui).

Indien van toepassing moet ? kandidaat by SAQA aansoek doen vir evaluering van hulle buitelandse kwalifikasie.

? Kandidaat sal slegs tot die MPhil-program toegelaat word indien hy/sy ? minimum gemiddelde punt van 65% (of gelykstaande aan hierdie punt) van toepassing op die voorgeskrewe modules van die honneursgraad of voorafgaande program (of gelykstaande graad). Indien ? gemiddeld van onder 65% behaal is, mag die student toegelaat word op aanbeveling van die toepaslike departementshoof na konsultasie met die potensiële studieleier(s) en inagneming van ander faktore wat toepaslike werkervaring, ander akademiese kwalifikasies en enige professionele toelatingseksamen insluit.

? Kandidaat sal slegs tot die MPhil-program toegelaat word indien die Fakulteit ? geskikte studieleier  kan verskaf gebaseer op die kandidaat se voorlopige navorsingsvoorstel en geskrewe portefeulje. Indien die potensiële studieleier nie tevrede is met die voorlopige navorsingsvoorstel nie, moet die potensiële toesighouer die kandidaat help om ? navorsingsvoorstel te ontwikkel en formuleer voordat ? finale besluit oor toelating tot die programme geneem  word.

Indien ? potensiële studieleier nie ? kandidaat aanvaar nie vir ? rede anders as die gebrek aan kapasiteit (huidige lading in studieleierskap/promotorskap of gebrek aan toepaslike kundigheid), kan die dekaan op advies van die nagraadse komitee, toepaslike opdragte aan die departementshoof  voorskryf (soos om die aanbeveling van ? onafhanklike kundige te verkry) voordat ? finale besluit geneem word.

Addisionele vereistes

Also consult General Regulations G.30-G.56 as well as the LLM/MPhil Policy document of the Faculty of Law.


With regard to the curriculum, the relevant General Regulations apply and the dissertation counts 100% for the final mark. The dissertation consists of 36 000-48 000 words – including footnotes but excluding the list of contents and the bibliography. The topic of the dissertation must be relevant to a discipline in the field of legal studies, and be approved by the Dean. The final copy of the dissertation must be accompanied by a proof of submission of an article to a journal. The article must be based on the research that the student has conducted for the dissertation and be approved by the supervisor. 

A written agreement between the student and supervisor should be signed. The document serves as the basis for the interaction between the student and the supervisor. It indicates their individual roles, responsibilities and expectations and making it clear that they are entering into a binding undertaking with each other. The supervisor has the responsibility to ensure that the mini-dissertation is properly prepared by the student.

Slaag met lof

For the degree to be awarded with distinction a student must obtain a minimum of 75% for the dissertation.


Die inligting wat hier verskyn, is onderhewig aan verandering en kan na die publikasie van hierdie inligting gewysig word.. Die Algemene Regulasies (G Regulasies) is op alle fakulteite van die Universiteit van Pretoria van toepassing. Dit word vereis dat elke student volkome vertroud met hierdie regulasies sowel as met die inligting vervat in die Algemene Reëls sal wees. Onkunde betrefffende hierdie regulasies en reels sal nie as ‘n verskoning by oortreding daarvan aangebied kan word nie.

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