Code | Faculty |
01250514 | Fakulteit Geesteswetenskappe |
Credits | Duration |
Duur van studie: 2 jaar | Totale krediete: 180 |
Let wel: Die program word slegs in Engels aangebied.
Akademiese geletterdheid
Aansoekers moet ’n akademiesegeletterdheidstoets skryf op grond waarvan keuring gefinaliseer sal word. Vrystelling word verleen aan studente wat hierdie toets gedurende die afgelope vyf jaar geskryf en geslaag het.
Aansoekers moet die standaard rekenaarvaardigheidstoets slaag, soos van toepassing op alle eerstejaarstudente aan die Universiteit van Pretoria. Hierdie vaardigheidstoets behels basiese databasisse, sigblad en woordverwerkingsagteware. Aansoekers wat hierdie toets die afgelope vyf jaar geslaag het, verkry vrystelling van die toets. Aansoekers wat die toets druip, moet geskikte modules wat deur die program-bestuurder goedgekeur is, gedurende die eerste semester van magistergraadstudie neem.
Vir volledige beskrywings van die module-inhoude raadpleeg asseblief die Sentrum vir Omgewingstudies se brosjure (Geografiegebou 2-1; Tel: 012 420 4048) of die webbladsy by
*Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.
Legislation for sustainable development within the framework of international agreements, the different acts affecting water quality and water use, the SEMAs within the NEMA framework, the NEMA EIA regulations, legislation pertaining to hazardous substances, interaction between mining development and NEMA, energy law, strategic environmental legislation, marine and coastal managment.
*Verwys asseblief na die Engelse weergawe van die Modulekatalogus vir die inhoud van hierdie module.
Hierdie module fokus op die interaksie tussen sosiale en omgewingsdinamika. Dit dek aspekte van sosiale struktuur, kultuur, politiek, opvoeding, migrasie, produksie, stadsvorming, demografie en sosiale instellings en hul effek op die omgewing. Die materiaal sluit ook in die gevolg van impakte soos omgewingsverandering wat op hul beurt weer die samelewing beïnvloed. Die ontleding van komplekse verwantskappe tussen die samelewing en die omgewing, koppelinge tussen die samelewing en omgewing en sinergistiese effekte tussen hierdie verskynsels.
Omgewingsfilosofie en etiek. Omgewingsekologie, omgewing, gemeenskap en ontwikkeling, omgewingsekonomie, kritiese hulpbronbestuur. Waterbenutting, lug-kwaliteitsbeheer, beplanning van landbenutting. Kenmerke van grond. Beplanning van biodiversiteit. Determinisme versus ko-evolusionêre omgewingsraamwerke. Navorsings-metodologie en -praktyk.Module-inhoud:
Beginsels van enkel-variante statistiek, klassifikasie en ordinering, multivariate statistiek, inleiding tot GIS, gereedskap vir omgewingsanalise, "spatial" statistiek-interpolering, "spatial" outokorrelasie, regressie, risiko-assessering, assessering van sosiale impak.Module-inhoud:
*Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.
Strategic environmental planning: introduction, objectives and principles; levels; South African overview; guidelines: national and international; strategy and management; structure, strategy and agency; South African guidelines; diagnostic tools; RESP analysis; strategic resource planning; applications, implementation and control; development and policy implementation; South African environmental policy; evaluation frameworks; portfolio analysis; competitive forces; alliances; business benefits; intangibles, survival and catalytic contributions; South African legislation and regulations.
*Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.
The need and purpose of land reform in South Africa and its contribution towards sustainable social-environmental interaction. An overview of the global variety of land tenure systems, and tenure reform programmes in other countries. Overview of previous systems of land tenure in South Africa. Land reform policy in South Africa: restitution, redistribution, and tenure reform. Critical assessment of progress in terms of land reform objectives. Evaluation of the contribution of the South African land reform programme towards creating sustainable environments.
*Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.
Biogeographic consequences of plate tectonics, Pleistocene southern African climatic, geological, edaphic and geomorphological patterns. Reconstructing biogeographic histories (speciation, extinction, dispersal, vicariance, endemism, provincialism and disjunction); phytogeographical patterns, biomes, vegetation types. Methodological issues in macro-ecology; patterns of body size, abundance and energetics; geographic range sizes; species dynamics in landscapes; implications of macro-ecological patterns to ecology; biogeography and evolution; macro-ecological perspectives on conservation: species richness, hierarchical diversity, hotspots, spatial and temporal patterns in diversity (genetic, taxonomic, functional); causal mechanisms, species diversity, biodiversity and global change.
Beginsels in omgewingsverandering: geomorfologie en omgewingsverandering, klimaatsverandering, omgewingsverandering en die impak daarvan op menslike bewoning, die menslike impak op omgewingsverandering, kontemporêre navorsing in omgewingsverandering.Module-inhoud:
*Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.
Public access to information regarding water quality, water supply sustainability and public education, demand projections, water management efficiency systems approach to water management, watershed protection, drinking water treatment and distribution, wastewater collection and treatment, effects of deforestation and treatment, and complex water system developments, destruction of wetlands, effects of recreation, agriculture and aquaculture on eutrophication.
*Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.
In this module students will be introduced to the various methods of modelling and assessing social impacts. Specific emphasis will be placed upon modelling societal-economic-environmental interactions, formulating stochastic and dynamic models of population-development-environment interactions, conducting research to determine possible impacts of environmental changes on communities and performing social impact surveys. Students will be introduced to both quantitative as well as qualitative methods of conducting social impacts assessments.
*Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.
The student needs to conduct a research project under the supervision of an academic member of staff associated with the Centre for Environmental Studies. This project needs to be of a sufficient quality to be publishable in the open scientific literature. The research report is examined as a manuscript for a suitable journal.
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