
Orientation 2025 is coming! We cannot wait to meet all our new students in the week of 3 - 7 February 2025.

The pre-orientation module will open towards the end of January 2025 and will be available to all unconditionally accepted students via UP's online learning platform clickUP. This module aims to give all learners who might become UP students a glimpse into what they could expect from academic life at UP.

The 2025 Academic Orientation Week will be presented in a hybrid fashion; most of the activities will be hosted face-to-face and on campus. Day two (2) will be presented via the online module UPO on clickUP (UP's online learning environment). Detailed information will be shared in the programmes.

The online part of the Academic Orientation programme will still be available in your UPO module after the Academic Orientation Week.

Stay in touch. Download the UP App to receive important notifications regarding the Academic Orientation Week.

Detailed breakdowns of activities will be available in the Orientation Programmes. Useful links can be found below and will be updated throughout the rest of the year:

Programmes will be available here towards the end of the year!

Online registration: Coming soon

Image of a phone showing the clickUP Ultra Logo

ClickUP (only available after registration)

Student Cards: Coming soon


Image advertising the sign-up for the 1n-sync first-year concert

Preliminary programme start and end dates are determined based on the Faculty you are registered in and can be summarised as follows:

Faculties starting on Monday 3 February
  • EBIT
  • Education
  • Health Sciences
  • NAS
  • Vet Sciences (BVSc 1)
Faculties starting on Tuesday 4 February
  • EMS
  • Law
  • Mamelodi
  • Theology and religion
  • Vet Sciences (Vet Nursing and BVSc 2)


In the video below, we give you a TASTE of what you can expect during the Academic Orientation Week.


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