#TuksRugby: UP-Tuks men’s sevens start Varsity preparation in Kenya

Posted on September 12, 2018

The UP-TuksRugby men’s sevens team’s preparation for the Varsity Tournament starts in earnest on Saturday when the team will be competing in the Christie Sevens Tournament in Nairobi.
It is the last tournament of Kenya’s Stanbic Bank-series. Apart from Tuks a team from Uganda has also been invited to play. 
The UP-Tuks team is in for a tough challenge as they are in the same pool as Menengai Cream Homeboyz who is the current top team in the competition. Quite a few of Kenya’s national players are also playing for them.
In spite of it, Andries Kruger (UP-Tuks coach) is confident that the players will give a good account of themselves.
“It is going to be all about not making mistakes at crucial times. In sevens rugby that one moment of lapsed concentration could mean the difference between winning and losing. We are going to be a bit on the back foot as all of the teams played a few tournaments already, so they had a chance to test combinations. We are only starting to do so now.”
Dabeon Draghoender (UP-Tuks coach) is grateful for the opportunity to play.
“In the past, we did not really get to play tournaments before the Varsity Tournament which is far from ideal as it is one thing to train and something entirely different to play. Only once the team get to play matches they start to think like real sevens rugby players. Until three weeks ago most of our players still played rugby which means they are going to make some elementary mistakes on Saturday. However, I am a firm believer that you can only learn from making mistakes."
What excites Kruger is that there seems to be significantly more interest from Tuks rugby players to take up sevens.
“Last year we had about 17 players from which we could choose the Varsity Team now we got 28 players. So there is quite a rivalry amongst the players to be selected. No player can afford to rest on his laurels.”
There is not going to be any respite for UP-Tuks. They arrive back from Kenya on Monday but then they off to play the USSA Tournament in Margate. Two weeks later it is the Varsity Tournament in Johannesburg.
Last year in spite of winning eight of their 11 games UP-Tuks was unlucky not have qualified for the Varsity playoffs. They and UJ ended up with the same log points, but because UJ has beaten UP-Tuks, they went through to the semi-finals and went on to win the tournament.
- Author Wilhelm de Swardt

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