Research Focus Areas

Please refer to our website for up-to-date information on CS research:


Research Groups

Research Group Homepages

The department hosts a variety of postgraduate students in a collection of research groups.

An overview of the various research groups and their respective focus areas is provided below, along with a link to each group's individually maintained website.

Feel free to contact any of the researchers for more information on their current projects and / or possible collaboration opportunities.



The Department has established itself as a very strong research entity both nationally and internationally. It is ranked among the top 1% of Computer Science departments in the world based on citations of its research outputs (Essential Science Indicators).


CIRG: Computational Intelligence Research Group

DIGIFORS: Digital Forensic Science

SSFM: System Specifications and Formal Methods

CSEDAR: Computer Science Education Didactics and Applications Research

NICOG: Nature Inspired Computing Optimization Group

DSFSI: Data Science for Social Impact


For more information please refer to our website.

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