Jacques Henry O’Dell

Jacques O'Dell

Jacques Henry O’Dell

BVSc, MMedVet (wildlife diseases)

Senior lecturer and wildlife clinican, Department of Production Animal Studies

Research Sub-themes

Wildlife health, production and food security



  • Brucella melitensis infection in sable antelope


  • Capture drug residues and venison production
  • Lead toxicity in wildlife and humans resulting from unting with leaded bullets
Animal welfare in especially multi-functional landscapes

Chemical capture:

  • Investigation of new capture drug combinations; efficacy and safety
Conservation medicine and forensics with a focus on threatened flagship species


  • Dehorning as an anti-poaching tool; technique refinement, efficacy, long-term effects on the rhino survival.


  • Contraception strategies for managed wild lion populations is South Africa.
Research Projects

Postgraduate students interested in the above topics are welcome to contact Jacques at [email protected]

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