We are incredibly proud of the University of Pretoria team who recently won second place in an international competition aimed at creating multidisciplinary solutions to climate-related problems.
UP's 'Team Tujenge' meaning 'Let's Build' in Swahili, has since the beginning of 2022 been developing ideas for a small-scale, solar-powered water purification system using plasma technology. The multi-diciplinary team is made up of PhD students (chemical engineering) Samuel Babalola and Hilda Kyomuhimbo, along with master’s student Victor Tshigo (project leader, also chemical engineering), and Amogelang Booysen (MSc student in environmental management)
The “Universities for SDG 13 Award” competition is a joint venture between the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and Siemens Gamesa. The University of Pretoria hosts SDSN South Africa through its Albert Luthuli Leadership Institute. The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 13 addresses “Climate Action” through multiple targets.
The prototype has been created and tested. It can be used in rural places where even the municipality cannot reach, all the students need now is the funding to implement this incredible initiative.
Please visit the SDSN South Africa website to find out more and how you can assist
Here is an interview conducted by SABC news: