TURF, or Tuks Undergraduate Research Forum, is a platform for the students at the University of Pretoria with the aim to simplify the intimidating world of research and to orchestrate undergraduate research initiatives.


TURF seeks to become a well-recognized name both within the University and beyond by producing innovative, creative and dynamic students who, by becoming involved in research, dispel the myth that a research footprint is only attainable after qualification. TURF hopes to provide lifelong scholarly skills to its members which they can utilize throughout their lives and careers to make South Africa and the world a better place.


TURF prepares its members for the ever changing modern world of health care by providing early exposure to research. TURF allows its members to explore their interests in a constructive way by matching them with mentors, from a variety of cultural and ethnic backgrounds, who are experienced researchers in their respective fields. Students are either provided with an opportunity for their own research project or to become involved in an existing study.     




2024 Research Support Hub Report


























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