Prof. Alta Kritzinger


Professor Emeritus


1975 - B.Log 

1994 - M.Log 

2000 - D.Phil



Member - South African Speech-Language-Hearing Association (SASLHA)

Member - International Society of Early Intervention 

Member - Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA)



Language Development (SPP 110); Language Disorders - Autism (KMP 220); Early Communication Intervention (KMP 220 and KMP 482); Research (KMP 481)

Coordinate the Clinic for High Risk Babies (CHRIB), as well as the early communication assessment and intervention clinic at the Department of Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology, University of Pretoria



Early language development 

Neurodevelopmental disorders, including Autism 

Emergent literacy 



Peer-Reviewed Papers:

  1. Louw B, Kritzinger A (1991). Infants with Down syndrome: Description of an early intervention approach. The South African Journal of Communication Disorders, 38, 25-31.
  2. Kritzinger A, Louw B, Hugo R (1995). Communication skills of biologically at-risk neonates. The South African Journal of Communication Disorders, 42, 7-17.
  3. Kritzinger A, Louw B, Hugo R (1996). Early communication functioning of infants with cleft lip, and palate. The South African Journal of Communication Disorders, 43, 77-84.
  4. Hugo R, Louw B, Kritzinger A (1998). Development of a scale for the evaluation of listening behaviour of children with Down syndrome. Down Syndrome Research and Practice, 5(3), 138-142.
  5. Hugo R, Louw B, Kritzinger A, Smit GJ (2000). Listening behaviour in children at risk for communication delay. Infant-Toddler Intervention. The Transdisciplinary Journal, 10 (1), 47-53.
  6. Kritzinger A, Louw B, Rossetti L (2001). A transdisciplinary conceptual framework for the early identification of risks for communication disorders in young children. South African Journal of Communication Disorders, 48, 33-44.
  7. Louw B, Hugo SR, Kritzinger A, Pottas L (2002). Otitis media in high-risk infants. SA Family Practice, 25(1), 4-8.
  8. Bam I, Kritzinger A, Louw B (2003). Die vroeë kommunikasieontwikkeling van 'n groep babas met pediatriese MIV/VIGS in sorgsentrums. Health SA Gesondheid, 2, 34-47.
  9. Kritzinger A, Louw B (2003). Clinical training of undergraduate communication pathology students in neonatal assessment and neonate-caregiver interaction in South Africa. South African Journal of Communication Disorders, 50, 5-14. 
  10. Lewis E, Kritzinger A (2004). Parental experiences of feeding problems in their infants with Down syndrome. Down Syndrome Research and Practice, 9(2), 45-52.
  11. McInroy A, Kritzinger A (2005). A single case study of the communication development of a high risk neonate from birth to discharge from a NICU. South African Journal of Communication Disorders, 52, 25-35.
  12. Roos V, Temane, QM, Davis L, Prinsloo CE, Kritzinger A, Naudé E, Wessels, JC (2005). Service learning in a community context: Learners’ perceptions of a challenging training paradigm. South African Journal of Psychology, 35(4), 703-716.
  13. Kritzinger A, Steenkamp L (2006). Communication development of a young child with foetal retinoid syndrome: A seven-year follow-up study. South African Journal of Communication Disorders, 53, 39-48.
  14. Norman V, Louw B, Kritzinger A (2007). Incidence and description of dysphagia in infants and toddlers with tracheostomies: A retrospective review. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 71(7), 1087-1092.
  15. Jessop M, Kritzinger A, Venter N (2007). Parental perceptions of characteristics and outcomes of children and families in the Pretoria cochlear implant programme. South African Journal of Communication Disorders, 54, 47-58.
  16. Van Heerden C, Kritzinger A (2008). Parental perceptions and practices of emergent literacy development in young children with Down syndrome: The development of intervention guidelines. South African Journal of Communication Disorders, 55, 37-48.
  17. Van der Linde J, Kritzinger A, Redelinghuys A (2009). The identification process in early communication intervention followed by primary health care personnel in Ditsobotla sub-district. South African Journal of Communication Disorders, 56, 48-59.
  18. Gopal R, Louw B, Kritzinger A (2010). Speech assessment material for young children with cleft lip and/or palate in Mauritius. Journal of the Indian Speech, Language, Hearing Association, 24 (1), 24-38.
  19. De Beer M, Kritzinger A, Zsilavecz U (2010). Young children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder – communication profiles. South African Journal of Communication Disorders, 57, 33-42.
  20. Strasheim E, Louw B, Kritzinger A (2011). The development of a neonatal communication intervention tool. South African Journal of Communication Disorders, 58 (1), 13-18.
  21. Van der Linde J, Kritzinger A (2013). Perceptions of rural primary health care personnel about expansion of early communication intervention services to infants at risk. African Journal of Primary Health Care and Family Medicine, (1), 11 pages. doi: 10.4102/phcfm.v5i1.553
  22. Groenewald H, Kritzinger A, Viviers M (2013). Age-specific communication functioning of young children with cleft lip and palate in a South African database. The Cleft-Palate Craniofacial Journal, 50 (6), 717-729.
  23. Van der Linde J, Kritzinger A (2013). Perceptions of rural primary health care personnel about expansion of early communication intervention services to infants at risk. African Journal of Primary Health Care and Family Medicine, (1), 11 pages. doi: 10.4102/phcfm.v5i1.553
  24. Moodley P, Kritzinger A, Vinck B (2014). Comparison of educational facilitation approaches for Grade R English Additional Language learning in rural Mpumalanga. South African Journal of Education, 34 (2), 1-8.
  25. Kritzinger A, van Rooyen E (2014). The effect of formal neonatal communication-intervention training on mothers in kangaroo care. African Journal of Primary Health Care and Family Medicine, 6 (1), 1-9. Art. #675, 9 pages.
  26. Bezuidenhout D, Kritzinger A, Soer M (2015). Audiology practice management in South Africa: What audiologists know and what they should know. South African Journal of Communication Disorders, 61 (1), 1-9.
  27. Degenaar H, Kritzinger A (2015). Suck, swallow and breathing coordination in infants with infantile colic. South African Journal of Communication Disorders, 61 (1), 1-10.
  28. Mosca R, Kritzinger AM, van der Linde J (2015). Language and communication development in preschool children with visual impairment: A systematic review. South African Journal of Communication Disorders, 62 (1), 1-10.
  29. Van Biljon S, Kritzinger AM, Geertsema S (2015). A retrospective case report on demographic changes of learners at a school for children with autism spectrum disorder in the Gauteng Province. South African Journal of Childhood Education, 5 (1), 42-61.
  30. Pike C, Pike M, Kritzinger A, Krüger E, Viviers M (2016). Risk profiles of infants ≥32 weeks’ gestational age with oropharyngeal and oesophageal dysphagia in neonatal care. South African Journal of Child Health, 10 (2):130-133. DOI:10.7196/SAJCH.2016.v10i2.1051
  31. Moodley P, Kritzinger A, Vinck B (2016). Variables associated with Grade R English additional language acquisition in multilingual rural Mpumalanga schools. South African Journal of Education, 36 (3), 1-15.doi: 10.15700/saje.v36n3a1253
  32. Viviers M, Kritzinger A, Vinck B (2016). Development of a clinical feeding assessment scale for very young infants in South Africa. South African Journal of Communication Disorders, 63 (1), a148.
  33. Muller C, Kritzinger A, Pottas L, Bodenstein L (2016). Reliability of the Functional Auditory Performance Indicators to monitor progress in 5-year-old children with autism spectrum disorder. South African Journal of Childhood Education, 6 (1), a492. http://dx.doi. org/10.4102/sajce.v6i1.492
  34. Viviers M, Kritzinger A, Vinck B, Graham M (2017). Preliminary psychometric performance of the Neonatal Feeding Assessment Scale. South African Journal of Communication Disorders, 64 (1), 8 pages. doi: 10.4102/sajcd.v64i1.163
  35. Krüger E, Kritzinger A, Pottas L (2017). Breastfeeding and swallowing in a neonate with mild hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy. South African Journal of Communication Disorders, 64 (1), a209. https://doi. org/10.4102/sajcd.v64i1.209
  36. Van Biljon S, Kritzinger A (2017): Early identification of learners with autism spectrum disorder: drawing on developmental histories. Early Child Development and Care, DOI: 10.1080/03004430.2017.1301934
  37. Schoeman J, Kritzinger A (2017). Risks associated with suspected dysphagia in infants admitted to a neonatal intensive care unit in a South African public hospital. South African Journal of Child Health, 11(2), 75-79. DOI:107196/SAJCH.2017.v1112.1186
  38. Pike C, Kritzinger, AM, Pillay SB (2017). Social participation in working-age adults with aphasia: An updated systematic review. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, 24(8), 627-639.
  39. Pike M, Kritzinger AM, Krüger E (2017). Breastfeeding characteristics of late-preterm infants in a kangaroo mother care unit. Breastfeeding Medicine, 12(10), 637-644. 
  40. Fouché L, Kritzinger AM, Le Roux, T (2018). Gestational age and birth weight variations in young children with language impairment at an early communication intervention clinic. South African Journal of Communication Disorders, 65(1), 9 pages. 

Participation in Conferences, Workshops and Short Courses:


  • Paper: CPD activity, Dept Speech Therapy and Audiology, Charlotte Maxeke Hospital, Johannesburg, 14 July 2010. A neonatal communication intervention programme.
  • Paper: Annual CHRIB seminar, Dept of Communication Pathology, 4 September 2010. Title: Sensory regulation knowledge for ECI.
  • Paper: ITESI early intervention course, Brits, 13 August 2010. Title: Screening and early identification of communication disorders.
  • Paper: CPD activity, Dept of Speech therapy and Audiology, 17 September 2010. Steve Biko Academic Hospital. Clinical tools for early communication screening and assessment.


  • Paper: Supervision workshop, Dept of Communication Pathology. 20 January 2011. The CPD process
  • Poster: SAALED Conference, Cape Town, 3 March-1 April 2011, with L Meyer.  Community based intervention in the semi-rural context of Hammanskraal
  • Paper: Dept of Criminology and Social Work, UP, 6 May 2011. Undergraduate research at the Dept of Communication Pathology
  • Paper: Cerebral Palsy Eastern Cape National Conference, 9-11 May 2011. A multi-level descriptive approach to the early communication assessment of very young children with cerebral palsy: A speech-language therapy perspective
  • Papers: Early Communication Intervention: A shared role between audiologists and speech-language therapists CHRIB Workshop, hosted by The Namibian Speech Language and Hearing Association (NASLHA), at St. Paul’s Rec. Centre, Windhoek, Namibia, 4 June
    • Scope and practice of ECI
    • Early communication assessment
    • Sensory regulation knowledge for ECI
    • Early communication intervention
    • Information sharing with parents: Searching together to understand
  • Paper: Facial Cleft Deformities Clinic parent training group, Faculty of Dentistry, 27 Aug 2011. Early intervention and parent involvement
  • Papers: Annual CHRIB Seminar Early Communication Intervention: A shared role for audiologists and speech-language therapists, 3 Sep 2011
    • New SASLHA ethical guidelines for ECI
    • Early communication assessment of children with Cerebral Palsy
  • Paper: ITESI Early Intervention Course for nursery school teachers, Kroondal, 24 Sep 2011. Early identification of communication disorders


  • Paper with L Pottas and M Viviers: Annual CHRIB Seminar Early Communication Intervention: A shared role for audiologists and speech-language therapists, 1 Sep 2012, Parent-focused strategies for assessment feedback
  • Phone-in programme on SAfm with Karen Key. 20 March 2012. Early Intervention for children with Down syndrome
  • Contribution to Baba en Kleuter article. Gebore om te praat: Idees vir ouers oor spraak- en taalontwikkeling


  • Paper with J Mouton and C Muller Listening behaviour of preschool children with autism spectrum disorders at a conference: Communication: The key to success. Edge Hill University, Liverpool, UK. 21 June 2013.
  • Paper at the Annual CHRIB Seminar Early Communication Intervention: A shared role for audiologists and speech-language therapists, 7 Sep 2012. Listening behaviour of preschool children with autism spectrum disorders
  • Talk: Parent training to support families with infants born with cleft lip and palate. Facial Cleft Deformities Clinic. 11 March 2013
  • Talk: The role of the speech-language therapy in the treatment of patients with clefts. CPD talk at Dept of Oro-Facial-Maxillo Surgery. 17 September 2013



Service-learning in the Kangaroo Mother Care Unit and the Maternity Ward



Room 2-11

Department of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, Communication Pathology Building, University of Pretoria. 

Tel: (012) 420 2949 

Email: [email protected] 

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