
SAHRI Peer-reviewed publications

Okumu MN, Vorster BJ and Reindardt CF. (2019) Growth-stage and temperature influence glyphosate resistance in Conyza bonariensis (L.) Cronquist. South African Journal of Botany 121, 248-256

Sukhorukov AP, Kushunina M, Reinhardt CF, Bezuidenhout H and Vorster BJ. (2021) First records of Amaranthus palmeri, a new emerging weed in southern Africa with further notes on other poorly known alien amaranths in the continent. BioInvasion Records 10(1) 1-9

Reinhardt C, Vorster J, Küpper A, Peter F, Simelane A, Friis S, Magson J and Aradhya C. (2022) A non-native Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) population in the Republic of South Africa is resistant to herbicides with different sites-of-action. Weed Science 70(2) 183-197

SAHRI Popular media publications 

 A spent wonder herbicide? The future prospects of glyphosate herbicide for the management of weeds in subtropical fruit orchards. Subtrop Journal June 2022 (C Reinhardt)

Palmer amaranth: A threat to soya bean production in South Africa. Oilseeeds Focus 21: 2022 (C Rainhardt & J Vorster)

Miraculous Molecule – Glyphosate Oilseeds Focus Magazine - January 2016: (CReinhardt)
Weed management imperatives in zero-tillage systems.Summary of talk by Prof Reinhardt at KZN No-Till Club 2015 Congress on 2 September 2015 (requested by Grain SA):
Good Science to fuel the future Farmer's Weekly 7 August 2015 (C Reinhardt)
Reasons behind serious weed problems in certain vineyards Winelands Magazine 1 August 2015 (C Reinhardt) 
Weed control in soya beans: make-or-break herbicide choices ​Oilseeds Focus Magazine July 2015 (C Reinhardt)

SAHRI Afrikaanse publikasies

Enigste werkbare strategie teen Palmer-misbredie… Vat hom vas. Landbou Weekblad 10 Maart 2022 (C Reinhardt)

Geen toleransie is die oogmerk. Graan SA Mei 2022 (C Reinhardt)

Bekamp so weerstandige onkruid (Eerste plaaslike proewe oor Palmer-misbredie) Landbou Weekblad 17 Junie 2021 (Creinhard & F Friis)

Sonneblomme doen self onkruidbekamping. Landbou Weekblad 7 Mei 2020 (C Reinhardt)

Onkruid slaan van alle kante gewasse toe. Landbou Weekblad 14 Februarie 2020 (C Reinhardt)

‘n Suksessyfer van 99% het groot gevolge. Lanbou Weekblad 15 November 2019 (C Reinhardt)

Glifosaat: Vyand of hulpmiddel? ‘n Waardasie gegrond op wetenskap. Landbou Weekblad 20 September 2019 (C Reinhardt)

Beste raad is om onkruid ‘in die kiem te smoor’. Landbou Weekblad 7Julie 2019. (C Reinhardt)

Onkruiddoders is nodig, maar tegnologievernuwing broodnodig. Lanbou Weekblad 19 Julie 2019 (C Reinhardt)

Saadbeheer sleutel tot onkruidbekamping. Lanbou Wekblad 10 Mei 2019 (C Reinhardt)

Faktore wat werking van onkruiddoder maak of breek. 19 Januarie 2019 (C Reinhardt)

Maak denksprong oor rol, impak van inheemse “veldverdigterplante” Landbou Weekblad November 2015: (C Reinhardt) 

Wildedissel bedreig weiveld in Oos-Kaap Landbou Weekblad - November 2015:(CReinhardt)
Wild & Jag - September 2015: Indringer- en verdigterplante (Prof Charlie Reinhardt and Derick Reinhardt)
Grain SA / Graan SA - September 2015: Geïntegreerde onkruidbestuur is 'presisie-onkruidbeheer' (Prof Charlie Reinhardt)

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