Public Law Lecturers on the Move during 2010

Posted on November 01, 2010

Inter alia, during the Executive Committee Meeting of the International Association of Constitutional Roundtable on ‘Unconstitutional constitutional amendments’ in Jerusalem during April, Prof Charles Fombad presented an ANCL report as a member of the Executive Committee.  He also presented a paper on “The role of constitutional changes and human rights in transforming African regimes’ at the International Higher Education Support Program’s Regional Seminar for Excellence in Teaching in Budapest during July 2010.  Further, Prof Charles Fombad presented a lecture on 'The African Bill of Rights in a comparative perspective', under the 'African Scholar Lecture Series in the College of Law, Unisa', during August 2010.
During June, Prof Jolandi le Roux-Bouwer attended the 23rd Anniversary Conference of the International Society for the Reform of Criminal Law.  The Society is an international, non-governmental association of judges, legislators, lawyers, academics and governmental officials who are working actively on the administration of criminal justice, both in their own jurisdiction and internationally.  The Conference dealt with ‘Crime, crimes against economies, and economic influences on crime’ in Lisbon, Portugal.
During March, Mr Gus Waschefort presented a guest lecture to LLM students at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London. During September, on behalf of the Centre for Human Rights, Gus also presented a lecture to members of the Police Advisory Committee (PAC) of Somalia, based in Mogadishu, as part of a training course designed by the African Policing Civilian Oversight Forum (APCOF).

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