UP Law’s Professor Steve Cornelius appointed to ARF Council on Anti-illegal Betting and Related Financial Crime

Posted on March 25, 2022

UP Law’s Prof Steve Cornelius appointed to ARF Council on Anti-illegal Betting and Related Financial Crime

The Faculty of Law (UP Law) at the University of Pretoria announces with pride and congratulates the Head of the Department of Private Law, Prof Steve Cornelius, on his appointment to the Council on Anti-illegal Betting and Related Financial Crime of the Asian Racing Federation (ARF). The ARF is the regional governing body for horse racing in the Asia-Pacific region. In addition, South Africa and Mauritius are also members of the ARF.

The ARF Council on Anti-Illegal Betting and Related Financial Crime was established to foster and enhance international cooperation among horse racing operators, regulators, intergovernmental organisations and government agencies in order to better combat the threat of illegal betting and other financial crimes to horse racing integrity in particular, and sport in general.

In announcing the appointment, Mr Martin Purbrick, Chair of the Council, said: 'It is my sincere hope that the ARF Council is increasingly seen as a leading think tank contributing to sports integrity. We want to show that horse racing as a sport can make such a contribution, and that the ARF as a sports federation is a leader in sports integrity. Although our focus is illegal betting and related financial crime, the key reason for our work is to protect integrity in racing and other sports as we see illegal betting as the key threat.'

In her congratulatory note to Prof Cornelius, Dean Prof Elsabe Schoeman wrote 'This is further proof and appreciation of your expertise and sustained research in this area. You are keeping us on the global stage! - wishing you all the best in this role!'.

- Author UP Law

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