The Department hosts a two-day conference

Posted on July 27, 2009

Promoting Democracy:

The State of Public Opinion and Political Behaviour in South Africa


Hosted by:

The Department of Political Sciences,

 University of Pretoria


Sponsored by:

The Konrad Adenauer Stiftung

with additional support from the Embassy of the United States in South Africa


Thursday 16 July 2009

Student Representative Council (SRC) Chambers, University of Pretoria





Wednesday 15 July 2009


Adler Cuisine, University of Pretoria

Pre-conference dinner


18:30 for 19:00


Performance by the University of Pretoria Chorale


Keynote address by H.E. Ambassador D.W. Haller of the Federal Republic of Germany


Thursday 16 July 2009


08:00 – 08:30 Tea/coffee and registration


08:30               Welcome

Prof Maxi Schoeman (UP)

Dr Werner Böhler (KAS)



08:50               Panel 1


Approaches to the study of voter behaviour and the role of public opinion in elections

Chair:              Prof Siegmar Schmidt (University of Koblenz-Landau)

Panelists:       Dr Mike Wolf (University of Indiana-Purdue, Fort Wayne)

                        Dr Mcebisi Ndletyana (HSRC)



10:30               Tea/coffee

11:00               Panel 2

Voter behaviour and public opinion in the South African national election of April 2009     

Chair:              Prof Sandy Africa (UP)

Panelists:       Ms Mari Harris (MARKINOR)

                        Mr Henry Jeffreys (Editor, Die Burger)

                        Prof Paulus Zulu (UKZN)

Dr Henning Melber (Dag Hammarskjold Foundation, Uppsala)



13:00               Lunch

14:00               Panel 3

Public Opinion and Political Behaviour: a comparative perspective

                        Chair:              Prof Katabaro Miti (UP)

Panelists:       Prof Siegmar Schmidt (University of Koblenz-Landau) – Germany/Europe

Dr Betsi Grabe (Indiana University, Bloomington) – USA                                 

Prof Roger Southall (University of the Witwatersrand) – Southern Africa/Africa                                         


16:00               Closing session

                        Summary:                   Mr Roland Henwood (UP)

                        Vote of thanks:          Prof Sandy Africa (UP)

16:30               Departure

19:00               Dinner for guests who will depart on 17 July


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