Mammal Research Institute

The Mammal Research Institute (MRI) in the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences at the University of Pretoria is dedicated to research and teaching on the biology and ecology of African mammals, including the conservation of indigenous mammal fauna in the context of sustainable human development.

The MRI has distinguished itself as the “go to” African institution for consultancy, training and research output. As such it is globally the premier institute conducting African mammal research. It is pan-African in its research and training, with activities extending across southern and central Africa to West Africa, Ethiopia and the Southern Ocean. In addition, international collaborations exist on all continents.

Established in 1966, the MRI has a rich history in conducting cutting-edge research on the behaviour, physiology, ecology and taxonomy of aquatic and terrestrial mammals. Results-driven research with clear conservation and sustainability objectives provides environmental managers with robust tools for the conservation of our indigenous mammal fauna. Basic, applied and interdisciplinary research is conducted under the themes of Terrestrial Ecology, Ecophysiology, Wildlife Management and Conservation, Human Wildlife Interface and Marine Mammal Ecology.

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