Make your home a haven for online safety


Understand the risks to torrents

Torrent downloads! Free movies! Free music! Free downloads! Is it safe? Is it legal? Can I get caught?...Read more

How safe is your kid online?

Do you know the rules for children’s use of social media? Do you realise that...Read more

Don't let your smart devices outsmart you - Part 1

Every digital product is a computer hacker’s dream. The valuable information stored on these devices is...Read more

Don't let your smart devices outsmart you - Part 2

Your smart devices have valuable information stored on them...Read more

Replace or upgrade your device

If you have your eye on a new device and you’re thinking of selling or giving your old device away, remember:...Read more

Port forwarding

Make your computer accessible from the Internet. Host your own website. Be your own hosting provider. Sounds great? ...Read more

Two-factor authentication

Millions of users’ login credentials have been exposed on the dark web. In addition, phishing is currently the most common cybercrime...Read more

Manage your IoT network

Billions of technological devices are constantly communicating across the internet. Many of these are in private homes and include things such as personal assistants...Read more

Online shopping

When shopping, you should always hold on tightly to your handbag or purse and watch out for others watching you. The same is true when you do online shopping...Read more

Wi-Fi security

Security for most residential estates starts at the gate providing access to the estate. The entrance is the first line of defence against visitors with dubious intent seeking access to the homes, vehicles and valuable assets inside the perimeter...Read more




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